‎Antiquarian book catalogues on the orient & orientalistics. 22 various catalogues bound in 1 volume.‎

‎ in-8vo, orig. clothbound.‎

Reference : 91318aaf

‎1) Englisch history, biography, literature, topography. Catalogue 165. London, Grafton, 1935, 36 p./ 2) Clearance Catalogue N° 1. Great Removal Sale of Second-Hand Books. Consequent on rebuilding of premises. London, Henry Sotheran, 1936, 84 p./ 3) Rare Books and Mss. N° 129. Part I: English Literature and Literary Manuscripts. Part II: Illuminated and Classical MSS. First Editions of Greek and Latin Classics. London, C. A. Stonehill, 1935, ca. 40 p./ 5) Books and Mss. N° 133. Including Ackermann’s Oxford, Emma, Cruise of the Cachalot, Origin of Species, Romola, Ruperts Brooke’s, Crock of Gold, Shelley Family Manuscripts, Picture of Dorian Gray, The First Book on Medecine ever Printed. London, C. A. Stonehill, 1936, 29 p./ 6) Goldston’s Catalogue N° 17, New and Second-Hand Books on Fine Arts. London, Edward Goldston, 52 p./ 7) Goldston’s Catalogue N° 19. Books on the Orient. Arabia and Islam, Persia and Afghanistan, Near East, Judaica and Hebraica, India, Sanskrit and Pali, East Indies and Australia, China and Japan, Oriental Art, Miscellaneous. London, Edward Goldston, 24 p./ 8) Anthropology. N° XXVII. Catalogue of Books on the Origins, Customs, Culture and Beliefs of Mankind. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1934, 104 p./ 9) A Catalogue of Books on Asia, Africa and allied Subjects. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1935, 91 p. + XVII/ 10) Kegan Paul’s List of New Books on Asia and Africa. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1936, 47 p./ 11) Probsthain’s Oriental Catalogue N° 35. China and the Far East. Siberia, Mongols and Indo-China, including the larger Portion of fhe Library of Sir Henry Howorth. London, Arthur Probsthain, 1924, 127 p./ 12) Books for all Classes of Collectors N° 15. London, Andrew Block, 1934, 20 p./ 13) Unusual and Reasonably Priced Books. N° 14 London, Andrew Block, 1934, 19 p./ 14) Books Books Books and then some Prints and Autographs N° 17. London, Andrew Block, 1935, 44 p./ 15) A Catalogue of Books and Mss. Ordinary and Extraordinary N° 16. London, Andrew Block, 1935, 48 p./ 16) Juibliee Catalogue of Rare Books and Mss. for the Collection and the Connoisseur N° 18. London, Andrew Block, 1936, 32 p./ 17) Bibliotheca Orientalis XXXVII. A Catalogue of Second-Hand & New Books on Oriental Religion and Philosophy. Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, Islamism, Shintoism, Sufism, Zoroastrianism. London, Luzac, 1936, 110 p./ 18) A Catalogue of Second-Hand Books, Orientalia N° 35. London, Luzac, 1937, 35 p./ 19) A Complete List of Books & Periodicals. London, Luzac, 1936, 100 p./ 20) A Catalogue of Second-Hand Books Orientalia N° 31. London, Luzac, 1936, 35 p./ 21) A Catalogue of Second-Hand Books Orientalia N° 33. London, Luzac, 1936, 35 p./ 22) A Catalogue of Second-Hand Books Orientalia N° 34. London, Luzac, 1936, 35 p. ‎

€160.78 (€160.78 )
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