‎MARTIN, Paul:‎
‎Armour and weapons.‎

‎London, Herbert Jenkins, 1968, gr. in-8vo, 298 p., with 20 pages of illustrations in full colour and over 240 in b/w, clothbound, with colour jacket.‎

Reference : 87393aaf


€21.44 (€21.44 )
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4 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 105945



‎From the Iron Period of the Northern nations to the end of the Seventeenth Century. With illustrations from contemporary monuments. John Henry & James Parker, London: 1855-1860. In-8 p. (mm. 225x142), 3 volumi, cartonato edit. con ricca decoraz. oro al piatto, taglio sup. dorato, pp. XXV,387; XVIII,343; VI,421; con un importante apparato iconografico nel t.: sono figure o disegni a p. pagina relativi ad armi e armature dell'epoca considerata, tutti inc. su legno. Col primo volume si arriva sino al XIII secolo; il secondo ci porta sino al XVII; il terzo, di Supplemento, è di sole tavole: ne contiene 148 tutte con descrizione a fronte, che raffigurano armi ed armature dal Quattrocento al Seicento. Edizione originale.Esemplare ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )


Reference : 1167441

‎[Arms / Weapons / Armes ] Christie's, London. 7 Auction Catalogues: Fine Modern Sporting Guns, Vintage Firearms and Antique Arms and Armour 13 July 1977 [13/7/1977] / Modern Sporting Guns and Vintage Firearms 5 October 1977 [5/10/1977] / Fine Modern Sporting Guns and Antique Arms 21 December 1977 [21/12/1977] / Antique Arms and Armour 15 February 1978 [15/2/1978] / Modern Sporting Guns and Vintage 10 May 1978 [10/5/1978] / Modern Sporting Guns and Vintage Firearms 12 July 1978 [12/7/1978] / Modern Sporting Guns and Vintage Firearms 29 November 1978 [29/11/1978].‎

‎London: Christie's, 1977-1978 7 catalogues in-8 (dimensions diverses) de ventes publiques d'armes de collection. Nombreuses illustrations, brochés. ** 7 catalogues 8vo (various sizes). Numerous illustrations. Wpps.‎

‎[Arms / Weapons / Armes ] Christie's, London. 7 Auction Catalogues: Fine Modern Sporting Guns, Vintage Firearms and Antique Arms and Armour 13 July 1977 [13/7/1977] / Modern Sporting Guns and Vintage Firearms 5 October 1977 [5/10/1977] / Fine Modern Sporting Guns and Antique Arms 21 December 1977 [21/12/1977] / Antique Arms and Armour 15 February 1978 [15/2/1978] / Modern Sporting Guns and Vintage 10 May 1978 [10/5/1978] / Modern Sporting Guns and Vintage Firearms 12 July 1978 [12/7/1978] / Modern Sporting Guns and Vintage Firearms 29 November 1978 [29/11/1978]. (London: Christie's, 1977-1978) [M.C.: catalogue de vente / auction catalogue, armes]‎

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )


Reference : RO80063246


‎Catalogue of Modern Sporting Guns and Rifles, Antique Firearms, Armour and Edged weapons.‎

‎CHEZ L'AUTEUR. 1974. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 48 pages + 13 planches illustrées en noir et blanc. Ouvrage en anglais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎Catalogue de la Vente aux Enchères Sotheby's du 23 juilet 1974 à New York. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

Reference : N6

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EUR550.00 (€550.00 )
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