‎Traité d'électricité et de magnétisme et de leurs applications aux sciences physiques a la chimie, a la physiologie et aux arts. Tome 3: Magnétisme et electro-magnetisme.‎

‎Paris, Frimin Didot Frères, 1856, gr. in-8vo, titre + 412 p., richement ill. de 190 figures + 14 planches dépl. gravées (Planches I à XIII et VIbis), cartonnage muet d’époque.‎

Reference : 86955aaf

‎Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel was the son of Antoine-César Becquerel, experimental physicist and professor at the Muséum d'histoire naturelle... His most important achievement in science were in electricity, magnetism and optics... His Traité d'électricité et de magnétisme, leurs applicatons aux sciences physiques, aux arts et à l'industrie, 3 vols (Paris 1855/1856) was written in collaboration with his father. From 1845 to 1855, Becquerel devoted most of his attention to the investigation of diamagnetism. Anxious to preserve the simplicity of Ampère's electrical theory of magnetic action, he was unwilling to accept Faraday's contention that diamagnetic phenomena were fundamentally different from those of ordinary magnetism. To explain the repulsion of certain substances by the poles of a magnet, he conceived an archimedian law of magnetic action, so called because of its resemblance to Archimedes hydrostatic principle : A body placed away from a magnetic center is attracted toward that center with a force equal to the difference which exists between the specific magnetism of the body and that of the milieu in which it is immersed (Traité d'électricité III p. 52)... . (DSB I pp. 555/556) - Partington IV. Electricité (principes généraux) - Electrochimie - magnétisme et électro-magnétisme. ‎

€160.78 (€160.78 )
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