‎ESCHWEGE, W(ilhelm) L(udwig) von (1777-1855):‎
‎Beiträge zur Gebirgskunde Brasiliens. Mit vier petrographisch-geognostischen Karten und Profildurchschnitten. 2 Teile zus. in 1 Band.‎

‎Berlin, G. Reimer, 1832, in-8vo, (210x130mm) XIV (Titelbl., Widmung an Alexander v. Humboldt , Vorwort, Inhalt) + 1 n.n. Bl. (zwischen Titel zum 1. Teil ) + 488 Seiten + 4 gef. Tafeln (davon 1 gr. kol. mehrfach gef. Petrographische Charte, 1 Karte u. Höhenprofil u. 2 gef. Durchschnitts-Profilen), etwas späterer Lwd mit Rückenvergoldung, schönes Exemplar.‎

Reference : 82752aaf

‎First edition in a very fine and clean copy complete with the very large folded petrographic.- geological map and 3 others folded maps. Very rare. The nice full cloth binding, with gilt lettering on spine is probably done in the second half of the 19th century. Divided into 2 parts with continuous numeration and each a specific title-page (the first not numb). A compilation and large extracts of the travels of Mr. Spix & Mr. Martius mixed with his own observations and travels, a.o. to the diamond-districts near Sabara, Tijuco and others. One year before the publication of Eschwege’s important work ‘Pluto Brasiliensis’ (Reimer 1833). Count Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege (1777-1855) stayed in Brazil from 1809 till 1830 and from 1834 till 1850, where he served as general director of gold mining and director of the imperial mineralogy cabinet. Sabin 22829; Borba de Moraes I, p. 294; Poggendorff I, 682-83. Image disp.‎

€3,001.24 (€3,001.24 )
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