Reference : 82116aaf
1) MORTON, Leslie T.: A Medical Biography (Garrison and Morton). An Annotated Check-List of Texts Illustrating the History of Medecine. Third Edition. Andre Deutsch / A Grafton Book, 1976, 872 p., original publishers binding / 2) SIR ZACHARY COPE: Sidelights on the History Medecine. London, Butterworth and Co., 1957, 246 + XI plates, original clothbound / 3) CLENDENING, Logan: Source Book of Medical History. New York, Dover / Henry Schuman, 1960, XIV + 685 p., orig. ill. wrappers.
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1) O’MALLEY, C. D.: Leonardo’s Legacy. An International Symposium. 1969, VIII + 225 p.,richly ill. with sketches and drawings, half-cloth / 2) SANTI, Bruno: Leonardo Da Vinci. 1981, 80 p., richly ill. in full colours and in b/w., wrappers ill. colours / 3) da Vinci, Leonardo: Anatomical Drawings from the Queen’s Collection at Windsor Castle. 1976, 60 p., richly ill. with drawings in b/w and 1 in colour, wrappers / 4) Leonardo. Hommage an Leonardo Da Vinci von IWC und Daimler/Chrysler. 58 p., ill., wrappers / 5) CLARK, Kenneth: The Drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle. Second Edition. Revised with the Assistance of Carlo Pedretti. 1969, XI + 277 p., ill. with 151plates, cloth, orig. ill. jacket.
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Reference : 82099aaf
In-4to, Richly illustr. books. Exlibrtis Rohan ORahilly, clothbound with jacket
1) P. Murray Jones: Medieval medical miniatures. Austin, Univ. Texas Press, 1984. 144 p., ill.2) O.L. Bettmann: A pictorial history of medicine. With foreword by P.S. Hench. Illinois, Charles & Thomas, 1972. XIII + 318 p., ill.3) B. Knight: Discovering the human body. New York, Lippincott & Crowell, 1980. 192 p., ill.4) Images of healing. A Portfolio of American medical & pharmaceutical practice in the 18th, 19th, & early 20th centuries. New York, macmillan, 1980. 144 p., ill.5) R. Beverly Hale & T. Coyle: Albinus on anatomy. new York, Watson-Guptill, 1979.208 p., ill.6) The anatomical plates of Pietro da Cortona. 27 baroque masterpieces. With introd. J.M. Norman. New York, Dover, 1986.
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