‎COHEN I. Bernard:‎
‎Introduction to Newton's 'Principia'.‎

‎Harvard University Press, 1978 gr. in-8vo, XXVI, 380 p. + 16 plates, brochure originale ill. / first ill. Paperback édition.‎

Reference : 73655aaf


€26.80 (€26.80 )
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1 book(s) with the same title

‎Cohen (I. Bernard) on Isaac Newton‎

Reference : 101337


‎Introduction to Isaac Newton's Principia‎

‎Cambridge University Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1978 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's full white printed wrappers, illustrated by a marble portrait of Newton, title in orange grand In-8 1 vol. - 408 pages‎

‎16 plates out of text with Newton's manuscript fac-simile, few text-figures Second reprinted edition, 1978 (first was 1971) Contents, Chapitres : Preface, xxviii, texte, 380 pages - preface - 1. An edition of the Principia with variant readings : Interest in the development of the Principia - The plan of the present edition with variant readings and the problems of Newtonian Scholarship - 2. The writing and first publication of the Principia : Steps towards the Principia - Writing the Principia - The completion and printing of the Principia - 3. Revising the Principia : First critical evaluations of the Principia - Revisions, chiefly of the 1690s, and plans for a second edition - Steps toward a second edition) - 4. The second and third editions of the Principia : Second edition - The eception of the second edition, the two reprints - The third edition of the Principa - 5. Supplements : Some autobiographical statements by Newton about the composition of the Principia - Humphrey Newton and the Principia - Newton's professorial lectures - Newton's Lucasian lectures - The resistance of spherical bodies - Newton's system of the world - A critique by Halley of a preliminary version of the Principia - The tract De quadratura and the Prncipia - Newton's Lemmas and proposition on the Horary motion of the Lunar apogee - Bibliography and index - Ierome Bernard Cohen (connu sous le nom de Bernard Cohen), né le 1er mars 1914 à Long Island, New York, et mort le 20 juin 2003 à Waltham dans le Massachusetts, est un historien des sciences américain, professeur à Harvard. Spécialiste et traducteur de Newton, il a consacré de nombreuses publications à lhistoire de la physique, de linformatique et au rôle des sciences aux États-Unis. Il fut l'éditeur en chef de la revue Isis de 1952 à 1958. near fine copy, wrappers very lightly yellowing with minor folding tracks on the corners, inside is clean, no markings, a rather very good copy of this master work on Newton's Principia‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
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