‎DÜRER. - CUST, Lionel:‎
‎The engravings of Albrecht Dürer.‎

‎London, Seeley, 1894, in-4to, 88 p., illustr. + 2 plates, clothbound. Interesting coloured guards.‎

Reference : 62476aaf

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€53.59 (€53.59 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎CUST, Lionel‎

Reference : 16040

‎The engravings of Albrecht Dürer. London. Selley an Co. Limited. New York. The Mac Millan Company London - 1897. Suivi de BINYON, Laurence. Dutch Etchers of the seventeenth Century. ‎

‎1 volume in-4° relié demi-percaline poil de chameau, dos lisse, titre en noir, 88 p. + illustrations et 4 planches hors-texte. Et 80 p. + illustrations et 4 planches hors-texte. Très bon état petites rousseurs très éparses en fin de volume. ‎

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EUR200.00 (€200.00 )

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‎Complete collection of engravings on the tree of Albrecht Durer, edited by Will‎

‎Complete collection of engravings on the tree of Albrecht Durer, edited by Willy Kurt. 1927./Polnoe sobranie gravyur na dereve Albrekhta Dyurera pod redaktsiey Villi Kurta. 1927 god. The Complete Woodcuts of Albrecht Durer. Edited by Dr. Willi Kurth. Published: London: W. & G. Foyle, 1927. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-4357683834de5a4.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
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‎[Albrecht Dürer] - ‎ ‎Koehler‎

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‎A Chronological Catalogue of the Engravings Dry Points and Etchings of Albrecht Durer as Exhibited at the Grolier Club‎

‎Koehler: A Chronological Catalogue of the Engravings Dry Points and Etchings of Albrecht Durer as Exhibited at the Grolier Club. 1897. 103 pages. Hardback. 23.8x31.1cms.‎

‎Text in English‎


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‎HORST Michael‎

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‎Albrecht Durer - the complete engravings‎

‎, Artline Editions 1987 238pp.(of which 106pp.illustrations), 34cm., cart., dustwrapper, in slipcase, VG‎

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EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎Horst Michael‎

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‎Artline (1 janvier 1987)‎

‎Relié, jaquette illustrée, nombreuses illustrations, comme neuf.‎

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