Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1902, gr. in-8vo, 592 S. + Tafeln + 1 gefaltete Karte, kleiner Legat-Stempel, Original ill. Leinenband, schönes Exemplar.
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1902 Leipzig. , Brockhaus 1902, 592 S. , Gr. in8vo.,cartonnage bleu decoré éditeur
bon éxemplaire (Spohr & Poller 2395; Mendelssohn II, p. 274) "Twenty-three Years' Storm and Sunshine in South Africa. By Adolf Schiel, First Lieutenant on service in the Artillery, Commander in Chief of the German Corps (South African Republic). In addition to his experiences in the South African War, Colonel Schiel gives an interesting account of Zululand, and of Cetywayo and his brothers Oham and Umdabuko. Colonel Schiel was wounded a nd taken prisoner at Elandslaagte; he was taken to St. Helena, and endeavoured to escape, but was unsuccessful."