Paris, Germer-Baillière, 1873, gr. in-8vo, 4 ff. 1 657 p. + 7 planches, pt. découpe dans la p. du titre sans perte de lettres, rousseurs, reliure en d.-toile.
Reference : 55677aaf
It was Sir John Lubbock who coined the terms ‘Neolithic’ and ‘Paleolithic’ to distinguish the later and earlier Stone Age periods. Ant behaviour, Bees, Wasps, and nature at all were also of Lubbock's interests. He was in his lifetime one of the best-known men in England. (a.o. Bank holiday came to be called ‘St. Lubbock's day’). He published some 25 books, over a 100 scientific papers, and gave lectures on subjects ranging from free trade to the forces that formed the Alps. His widely read books on the scenery of Switzerland and Britain were also fascinating treatises on geology by an expert. Essentially, Lubbock was a great public educator, perhaps the foremost of his time. (DSB).
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