London, Longmans Green Reader and Dyer, 1869, in-8vo, XXIV + 454 p. / VI + 404 p., engraved armorial bookplate with devise ‘anchor fast anchor’ in both volumes, hw. dedication of free fly and hw. first ownership ‘Malcolm Gray 1869’, Bound in half-leather with corners, spine on 5 raised bands, red titlepiece & gold tooling on spine, some rubbing and stains. In all a very good copy.
Reference : 43889aaf
First by his son John Stuart edited edition. James Mill, a London Scott who had risen from humble origins to become a prominent intellectual, a collaborator of Jeremy Bentham, and a leading exponent of utilitarianism (or sometimes socalled ‘Benthamism’). In this work which was first published in 1829, he developed the psychological side of the Benthamite philosophy. Brockhaus (1932) XV/490.
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