‎FAURE, Gabrielle:‎
‎L'excavation. Roman.‎

‎Lausanne, L'Aire, 1982, in-8°, 159 p., envoi manuscr. signé par l’auteur A Madame A Cornaz, brochure originale.‎

Reference : 16365aaf


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4 book(s) with the same title

‎FAURE, Gabrielle.‎

Reference : 3609

‎L’excavation. Roman.‎

‎ Lausanne, L’Aire 1982, 210x140mm, 158pages, broché. Dédicacé. Bel exemplaire. ‎

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CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎C. Williams‎

Reference : 45780

‎Anemurium: The Roman and Early Byzantine Pottery, The Excavation at Anemurium in Rough Cilicia.‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1992 Hardcover. 213 p., 606 figures, 24 plates, 165 x 245 mm, Languages: English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9780888443656.‎

‎The pottery published in this volume comes from fourteen years of survey and systematic excavations at Anemurium in Cilicia. The study provides the first detailed ceramic history of a Roman site on the south coast of Turkey since the publication of the material from Tarsus in 1950. In incorporating the results of ceramic studies from around the Mediteranean done in the decades following the appearance of the pottery from Tarsus, the work establishes a new starting point for pottery studies in this region of the eastern Mediteranean. The ceramic assemblage from Anemurium contributes much useful evidence for the history of this small provincial city in Asia Minor. From the point of view of ceramic studies in the Roman and early Byzantine periods, Anemurium is located approximately halfway between two important fineware producing areas (the west coast of Asia Minor and the Syrian littoral) and very close to a third (Cyprus). Relative quantities at Anemurium of the ceramics from each area at various periods can provide clues to trade in this particular corner of the Roman Empire. The geographical location of the site also helps to confirm or refute suggestions, based on distribution patterns, about the sources of some well-known pottery types. The status of Anemurium as a relatively minor urban centre within the Empire is in itself of interest when considering what was or was not imported to the site. In addition, the discussion of evidence for local production of an important Roman amphora type makes a significant contribution to ceramic studies. The examination of datable groups from these excavations in conjunction with external evidence from other sites, resulting in the establishment of a cooking-pot series, further enriches our understanding of common-and coarsewares. Ancient pottery production, trade and use are highlighted in this volume devoted to the results of the Canadian excavations at Anemurium. The study illuminates one facet‎


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EUR41.44 (€41.44 )

‎STEAD (I. M.) & RIGBY (Valery)‎

Reference : 531131

ISBN : 0907764000

‎Baldock, the excavation of a roman and pre-roman settlement, 1968-72. Britannia Monograph Series, n°7.‎

‎ London, Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 1986. In-4 broché, couv. ill., 435 pp., 160 fig. en noir in et h.-t. dont cartes, plans dépliants, dessins. ‎

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EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎(Weston, Stephen) (1747-1830): ‎

Reference : 139928aaf

‎La Scava; or, Some account of an excavation of a Roman town on the hill of Chatelet, in Champagne, between St. Dizier and Joinville, discovered in the year 1772: : to which is added, A journey to the Simplon, by Lausanne, and to Mont Blanc, through Geneva (pp. 41 upto 128).‎

‎London, Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1818, lg. in-8vo, 133 p. + 3 unn. p. (Pubisher’s adds), ex libris Peter E. Obergfell, simple h.-cloth, boards. / reliure simple dos toilé, plats cartonnés (fin XIXe).‎

‎The pages 1 upto 40 : La Scava / pp. 41 upto 122: The jouney to Simplon, Journey through the Valais & Savoye) & pp. 123 upto 128: A Table of the Altutudes of the highest Mountains of the Alps, from Mount Jura to Mont Blanc + Table & Index on pp. 129-133 + 2 p. publisher’s adds. At page 86 there is an interesting relation which seem to be the first time that one writes about an accident on falling into a rockfissure. ‘...into the carriage to Servos in two hours. There are things to see at this place a.o. the tomb of Monsieur d’Eschen, who fell into a fissure of the rock in the neighbourhood, having strayed from his guide. A monument to his memory was erected in the eight year of liberty (1800). not in Perret. ‎


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