Berlin und Leipzig, 1923-24, gr. in-8°, X + 307 S. (S. 46-47 leichte Durchstreichungen mit Tintenfeder) / VIII + 379 S., mit insgesamt 130 Abbildungen im Text und auf 2 Tafeln, Original-Leinenbände.
Reference : 14711aaf
Der österreichische Physiker Arthur Haas war Professor in Leipzig und Wien.“Haas work in the history of physics was inspired by his interest in older as well as modern theories. He possed the ‘conviction that no other method is as suited as the historical for facilitating the understanding of physical principals and for clarifying and deepening the knowledge of their significance’. His numerous books written from this point of view, often based on his lectures and addresses, are masterpieces of clear exposition which were widely diseminated and translated into many languages.”Dictionary of Scientific Biography V/609-610; Brockhaus V/168.
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