London, Longmans, Green, 1899, in-8°, XII + 481 p., with 7 plates, exlibris Peter E. Obergfell, beautiful dark blue half morocco binding, spine richly gilt, gilt edge, very fine copy, binding signed ‘Hugh Hopkins, Glasgow’.
Reference : 139591aaf
New edition. “A record of bodily action”, as his author calls it, this book describes the ascent of many important summits of the Swiss Alps in the 1860's. Tyndall was professor of natural philosophy at the Royal Institution. With his friend Huxley he went to Switzerland to study the motion of glaciers.This work contains (a.o.): The Matterhorn (with J.J. Bennen as guide) / The Urbachtal and Gauli glacier / The Grimsel and the Aeggischhorn / Ascent of the Jungfrau / Death of Bennen on the Haut de Cry / Ascent of the Eiger and passage of the trift / Ascent of the Aletschorn / Notes on ice and glaciers, etc. The first edition appeared in 1871.Waeber BSL III/95; Senger, Wie die Schweizer Alpen erobert wurden p. 92.
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