(1734), 20.5x30.5 cm (la carte) carte coloriée et montée sur carton, légèrement bruni, 1 planche. (23x33.4 cm, la feuille).
Reference : 129971aaf
[publisher: Francisci Halma c. 1692, Trajecti ad Rhenum] A finely engraved map of the world by Nicolas Sanson, "the father of French cartography," during the late 17th century. Engraved by A. de Winter. There are a lot of fascinating cartographic errors that were made, such as California being shown as an island, and the western half of North America not being depicted as it had yet to be discovered. But the treatment of far and southeast Asia is much improved when we compare it to Sanson's map of 1652. Korea reverts to an attenuated peninsula instead of the short squat round island in the earlier Sanson version. Likewise, the partial outline of Australia changes it shape to a much more realistic outline of Australia. , Size : 200x305 (mm), 7.87x12.01 (Inches), Hand Colored Image disp.
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