‎ARNOBIUS, of Sicca & MINUCII, M. Felices octavianus: ‎

‎De Licentia Superiorum: Romae, Ex Typographia Dominici Basae, M D LXXXIII. (à la fin: Romae Excudebat Franciscus Zannettus), 1583, in-8vo, (19.5x14 cm), 8 ff. + 255 p. + 21 p. n.n. (Index), titre avec grande vignette gravée, taches d’eau, qqs lettrines gravées sur bois, ex libris M.F. Théremin Pasteur, page de garde avec notice ms. sur l’auteur. Sur titre: tampon ovale ‘Fs Theremin Pasteur’ (XIXè) et manuscr. ‘D. R. Bridellus’ (XVIè), parchemin d’époque, dos noirci, charnière int. au verso fendue (montrant des bouts de manuscrit ancien à l’intérieur).‎

Reference : 118529aaf

‎ Adams 1997. Image disp.‎

€1,018.28 (€1,018.28 )
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2 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 70019


‎Arnobii disputationum adversus gentes libri septem. M.Minucij Felicis Octavius. Editio nova , ad editionem Romanam expressa ; quibusdam tamen inlocis e ms.Reg.aucta & emendata. Desiderii Heraldi ad Arnobii Libros VII animadversiones , & Castigationes‎

‎ 1605 Parisiis, Apud Marcum Orry ,1605 , Petit in huit ( 12 x 17,5 cm ) , (12) -378 pp , 428 pp, reliure d'époque en plein parchemin avec le titre manuscrit au dos, bon état, ‎

‎. ‎


Phone number : 01 42 96 06 24

EUR386.00 (€386.00 )

‎ARNOBIUS Rhetor ( main author ) - Geverhard ELMENHORST - Marcus MINUTIUS FELIX - Joseph SCALIGER (contributors ) :‎

Reference : 40083

‎Arnobii Disputationum Adversus Gentes Libri Septem.‎

‎".: Hanoviae ( Hannover ), Typis Wechelianis, Marnius, 1603 , in-8°, 445 pp. Signature A-Z8, Aa-Dd8, Ee7. (collation identical with VD17 23 ;270535U but for the last blank leaf (1) which is present in our copy but is clearly not leaf (E8). Bound in contemporary overlapping vellum, manuscript title on spine, lower inner joint loose, binding somewhat loosening ,some worming in the endpapers, still a good complete copy. This is the only text known by Arnobius, who lived in Northern Africa (ca. 300 A.D.) The first edition of this work was published in Rome in 1542. It is a vehement defense of Christianity and a detailed attack upon ancient paganism."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR420.00 (€420.00 )
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