‎CRUIKSHANK, Robert Isaac (1798-1856):‎
‎A Set-to!!‎

‎ 1818, 26 x 40 cm, eau-forte coloriée à la main, 1 feuille.‎

Reference : 100379aaf

‎ Image disp.‎

€482.34 (€482.34 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 46625

‎The Friar of Orders Gray. A Glee for 3 voices set to music by J.W. Calcott, mus. bac. Oxon.‎

‎.: 2. London, printed by C. Wheatstone, s.d. ( ca. 1825), format 33 x 24,2 cm . 2 Lvs with 3 pp of engraved music , (as issued). No plate number , Price 1/6 s.. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some damage at inner margin.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎[CRANE] - ‎ ‎‎

Reference : EXEhvw3

‎Pan-Pipes. A book of songs. Newly arranged and with accompaniments by Theo Marzials, set to pictures by Walter Crane. ‎

‎London, Routledge and sons, s.d. In-4° à l’italienne, couverture illustrée. Seconde édition. ‎

‎Gardes décorées, nombreuses illustrations, culs-de-lampe et bandeaux de Walter Crane.‎


Phone number : + 41 22 310 32 10

CHF200.00 (€214.37 )

‎Ramsay -Stevenson‎

Reference : P501


‎Song Flowers from "A Child's Garden of Verses Set to Music‎

‎London Gardner Darton & Co 1897 n 4 percaline bleue d'éditeur. Trace de colle sur les pages de garde. Illustrations de Gordon Brown.‎


Phone number : 33 04 93 58 30 82

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Muller (G.H.), Oberschelp (A.) and Potthof (K.), eds. - Z. Adamowicz - E. Borger - M. Boos - K. Devlin - K. Devlin and R. Jensen - J. Fenstad - R. Fittler - T. Flannagan - J. Flum - K. Gloede - C. Imbert - S. Kochen - P. Krauss - F. v. Kutschers - W. Marek and A. Mostwocki - H. Rasiowa - D. Scott‎

Reference : Cyb-6277


‎ISILC Logic Conference - Proceedings of the International Summer Institute and Logic Colloquium, Kiel, 1974 (Mathematical Logic) , Lecture Notes in Mathematics, volume 499 (An observation on the product of Silver's forcing - Recursively unsolvable algorithmic problems and related questions reexamined - Lectures on large cardinal axioms - Indescribability properties and small large cardinals - Marginalia to a theorem of Silver - Computation theories : An axiomatic approach to recursion on general structures - Closed models and hulls of theories - Axioms of choice in Morse-Kelley class theory - First-order logic and its extensions - Set theory in infinitary languages - Sur la méthode en histoire de la logique - The model theory of local fields - Quantifier elimination - Intensional semantics for natural languages - On extendability of models of ZF set theory to the model of Kelley-Morse theory of classes - Many-valued algorithmic logic - Data types as lattices)‎

‎Springer-Verlag - Springer , Lecture Notes in Mathematics Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1975 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's yellow and black printed wrappers grand In-8 1 vol. - 655 pages‎

‎ 1st edition, 1975 Contents, Chapitres : Contents, v, Text, 651 pages - Z. Adamowicz : An observation on the product of Silver's forcing - E. Borger : Recursively unsolvable algorithmic problems and related questions reexamined - M. Boos : Lectures on large cardinal axioms - K. Devlin : Indescribability properties and small large cardinals - K. Devlin and R. Jensen : Marginalia to a theorem of Silver - J. Fenstad : Computation theories : An axiomatic approach to recursion on general structures - R. Fittler : Closed models and hulls of theories - T. Flannagan : Axioms of choice in Morse-Kelley class theory - J. Flum : First-order logic and its extensions - K. Gloede : Set theory in infinitary languages - C. Imbert : Sur la méthode en histoire de la logique - S. Kochen : The model theory of local fields - P. Krauss : Quantifier elimination - F. v. Kutschers : Intensional semantics for natural languages - W. Marek and A. Mostwocki : On extendability of models of ZF set theory to the model of Kelley-Morse theory of classes - H. Rasiowa : Many-valued algorithmic logic - D. Scott : Data types as lattices wrappers are clean with minor folding tracks on corners of the bottom part, inside is clean, paper is lightly yellowing, the former owner had underlined very few lines at red ink with rules, about 25 lines, the text remains clean, his signature on the corner of the first page, it's still a good reading copy‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Walter Scott‎

Reference : 027264


‎HERMETICA: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings which contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus 4 volumes complete set first edition‎

‎Oxford 1924 Claredon press Hardcover 1st Edition ‎

‎Hardcover, 23 x 15 cm, English, 1st Edition, 4 volumes, book condition: Very Good. Oxford at the Claredon press: vols 1-4 dated: 1924, 1925, 1926, & 1936. First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. Four volumes (complete). Volume I: viii + 550pp, b&w frontis; Volume II: vi + 482pp; Volume III: viii + 632pp; Volume IV: xlix + 576pp. Original publishers cloth with gilt title etc. to spines, Thoth to covers.. A rare first edition set of this landmark work in Hermetic studies. The Hermetica is the name given to an extraordinary collection of writings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, the Greek name for the legendary teacher, prophet and scribe deified by the Egyptians as the god Thoth and known to the Hebrews as Enoch.. Volume I contains the original Greek and Latin texts as well as the translations and notes. Volumes II and III provide extra commentaries on the Corpus Hermeticum, the Asclepius and the Strobaeus. Volume IV provides Testimonia as well as addenda to the notes on the earlier texts, copious indexes.. Fine condition, a rare complete set ‎

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Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

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