1857 1857 ( from the philosophical Magazine for december 1857)brochure in 8. de la page 481 à la page 504. broché. couverture muette.
Reference : 1469
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(London, Taylor and Francis, 1859). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1859 - Vol. 149 - Part I. Pp. 261-278 a. 2 lithographed plates. some small brownspots to plates. + pp. 279-307, textillustrations.
First printing of two classical papers on Glaciers.Tyndall's investigations on glacier actions is based on his work on the influence of mechanical pressure upon manifestations of magnetic force.""Generalizing from the effects of pressure on slate led him to the sudy of glacial movement.."" in turn, glaciers fostered a passion for mountaineering and a fascination for what was to beome his major work - the effects of solar and, later jeat radfiation on atmospheric gases..""(DSB XIII, p. 522).