Henrichs, Paris An XI (1802), 13,5x21cm, broché.
Reference : 85218
Edition originale du premier ouvrage de Maine de Biran. Rare et agréable exemplaire présenté dans son brochage d'origine. - Photos sur www.Edition-originale.com -
Librairie Le Feu Follet – Edition-Originale.com
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Nos ouvrages sont complets et en bon état, sauf indications contraires. Nos prix sont nets. A partir de 30 €, les envois se font en recommandé avec A. R. Le port est à la charge du destinataire. Les réservations par téléphone ne pourront dépasser 72 h.
P., Henrichs, An XI (1802), un volume in 8 relié en pleine basane racinée, dos orné de fers et filets dorés, tranches jaspées (reliure de l'époque), 12pp., 402pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Intéressantes et abondantes notes manuscrites de l'époque dans les marges des premiers feuillets ---- "Maine De Biran's influence on Janet's psychology was both direct - seeing that he had read his works - and indirect, on account of the great influence exerted by Maine De Biran on the French aliénistes of the middle of the nineteenth century. Henri Delacroix has well shown how the theoretical concepts of Baillarger and Moreau De Tours derived from Maine De Biran's teaching... Maine De Biran (1766/1824) elaborated a new theoretical construction of the human mind in which the basic fact is effort. Consciousness is the apperception of the effort. Descartes's principle "I think, therefore I am" is replaced by "I will, therefore I am". Voluntary effort creates consciousness and uplifts the mind from sensation to perception and to higher operations of the mind, and furnishes the notions of force, causality, unity, identity, and liberty. Beneath that properly human life of conscious effort there is an animal life that is the realm of habit, elementary emotions, and instintcs, a life that continues below consciousness and is manifested in sleep and somnambulism. Later in his life, Maine De Biran came to assert that above the properly human life of voluntary effort there was a third spiritual and religious life...". (Ellenberger pp. 402/403) ---- Postel & Quetel pp. 147, 168, etc**3466/ARM2A-8059/ARB3