‎PREVERT Jacques‎

‎Gallimard, Paris 1963, 14x19,5cm, broché.‎

Reference : 84744

‎Edition en partie originale. Comme habituellement, petites traces de frottements sur les mors et sur le dos. Envoi autographe daté et signé de Jacques Prévert à son ami et voisin Baudy enrichi de trois dessins représentant, à chaque fois et dans des tailles différentes sur les pages de faux-titre, de titre et de justification du tirage, un jongleur s'exercant avec des boules de couleurs différentes. - Photos sur www.Edition-originale.com - ‎

€1,200.00 (€1,200.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 61700


‎Chronique burlesque, ou recueil D'Histoires divertissantes et d'avantures comiques.‎

‎A Londres, Pierre du Noyer, 1742. 12mo. Bound in a nice contemporary Cambridge-style mirror binding with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. Crowned super ex-libris to front board. Paper-label pasted on to top of spine and boards. A nice and clean copy. (12), 308 pp.‎

‎First edition of this collection of humorous scandalous and entertaining stories, primarily set in Normandy and Picardy, focusing on priests and nuns. Not in Barbier.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,000.00 (€268.24 )


Reference : 61055


‎Les histoires tragiques de nostre temps.‎

‎Rouen, David Ferrand & Thomas Dare, 1641. 8vo. In contemporary limp vellum with title in contemporary hand to spine. Small paper-label pasted on to upper part of spine. Light soiling and a few stains to extremities. Previous owner's inscription in contemporary hand to front free end-paper: ""jamais un brave coeur ne fait / tort a personne / Pertrus Bartholomei Hanstein"" (i.e. English: A brave heart never harms anyone, Pertrus Bartholomei Hanstein). His name is also inscribed in lower margin of title-page. A few small worm-tracts in outer margin, slightly touching text on the engraved half-title. (12), 890, (2) pp. + engraved half-title.‎

‎The very rare second edition of Sieur de Saint-Lazare’s collection of dramatic baroque stories. It was first published in 1635 and both editions are rare. We have not been able to trace a single copy at auction of the first edition and only one copy of this second edition (Il Ponte 2024: 649-4). OCLC list one copy of the first edition (Accession no: 34496921) and none of this present second edition. “This work contains twenty-nine chronicles in which, as the author says on his title page, ""se voyent plusieurs belles maximes d'Estat, & quantite d'exemples fort memorables, de constance, de courage, de generosite, de regrets, & repentances"". The chronicles deal with outstanding figures and happenings in contemporary or recent history. We meet Henry of Navarre, Sultan Osman of Turkey, Wallenstein, the Duke of Buckingham, and other less well-known figures. The sixteenth story is that of ""Catherine Royne de Georgie, & des Princes Georgiens, mis a mort par commandement de Cha-Abas Roy de Perse"". (Leopold, Andreas Gryphius and the Sieur de Saint-Lazare: A study of the tragedy Catharina Jon Georgien in relation to its French source). Not in Brunet, Graesse or Barbier.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK12,000.00 (€1,609.46 )


Reference : 55452


‎Les neuf livres des Histoires. Plus un recueil de George Gemiste dict Plethon, des choses auenues depuis la iournée de Mantinée. Le tout traduit de Grec en Francais par Pierre Salia. - [THE MONUMENTAL FIRST FRENCH EDITION OF THE HISTORIES OF HERODOTUS]‎

‎Paris, Iean Roigny, 1556. Folio. In contemporary linp vellum, with three (of four) of the original vellum ties. Binding with wear and inner hinge weak, but in completely original state, with no restorations. Only some light scattered brownspotting and a worm-tract to inner margin, just occasionally touching a few letters. Book-plate to pasted-down front end-paper. A lovely copy. (4), CCXLIII ff.‎

‎The scarce first edition of Saliat's translation of the complete Histories of Herodotus, being the extremely popular first French edition and arguably the most important French edition of the work ever published. Saliat's monumental 1556-translation of Herodutus was extremely influential end widely used and quoted. It greatly influenced the way that Herodotus was used and understood in Renaissance France. It was used by virtually all contemporary French intellectuals as the main reference - as for instance Sandys points out, it is from this that all of Montaigne's Herodotus-quotations are taken (Sandys, vol. II, p. 197). Pierre Saliat had published a small work in 1552 consisting the the first three books of Herodotus, and in 1556, his monumental translation of the complete work appeared" for the first time, all nine books were accessible in the French language. ""Little is known of Saliat's life except that he had produced two previous translations from Latin, Erasmus' ""On Methods of Instructing Children"" and a collection of Roman speeches. Both translations of Herdotus are dedicated to the king, Henry II, and Saliat notes that the work on the first three books had taken him six years to complete and that it had taken him a further five years to translate the remaining six books. In the preface to the 1556 translation, Saliat compares at length the scale and grandeur of the Persian Wars with Henry's recent invasion of Germany. Henry's deeds are portrayed as greater than those described by Herodotus... [The preface] reads as a salutary encomium of Henry's military and political prowess."" (Brill's Companion to the Reception of Herodotus in Antiquity and Beyond, p. 127). In short, Saliat views Herodotus' work as a manual for or collection of examples of warfare that is fully transferable to other times, rather than a mere memoralization of great deeds. Graesse: III:256.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK70,000.00 (€9,388.54 )


Reference : 35981


‎Bibliotheque orientale, ou Dictionnaire universel, contenant généralement Tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des Peuples de l'Orient. Leur Histoires et Traditions veritables ou fabuleuses leurs religions, Sectes et Politique, Leurs Gouvernement, Loi...‎

‎Maestricht, J.E. Dufour & Ph. Roux, 1776-80. Folio. (40,5x27 cm.). 2 contemp. full calf. with raised bands. Tome-and titlelabels in leather on back. Upper and lower compartments of both backs repaired. Slightly rubbed. (4),26,954"(4),284 pp. and 2 folded tables (in Supplement). Margin on htitle repaired. Upper margins of text in vol. 2 faintly dampstained.‎

‎Second edition of this extensive encyclopedia of the Islamic world, Herbelot's great work, which is based on the immense Arabic bibliography (Kashf al-Zunun), but it also contains a vast number of other Turkish and Arabic compilations and manuscripts. - ""Ce savant ouvrage se trouve aujourd'hui fort arriéré"" mais , comme aucun autre ne le remplace, il est toujours très-recherché."" (Brunet II:664). - Graesse II:376.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK9,500.00 (€1,274.16 )


Reference : 55930


‎Architecture Militaire Moderne, ou Fortification: confirmée par diverses histoires tant anciennes que nouvelles, & enrichie des Figures des principales Forteresses qui sont en l'Europe... Mise en Francois par Helie Poirier.‎

‎Amsterdam, Louys Elzevier, 1648. Folio. (31 x 22 cm) Contemp. full mottled calf. Raised bands. Gilt compartments. Glit lettering. Upper joint strenghtened, leaving small nicks to leather along joint. Gilt lineborders on covers. Corners neathly repaired. Engraved title-page (depicting the author showing a geometrical drawing to William Prince of Orange). (10),547 pp., 4 unnumb. leaves with tables and 70 double-page engraved plates fortifications, towns etc.). Some leaves in the middle of the book with faint dampstaining in upper margin, otherwise clean. A stamp in right margin of the first leaf.‎

‎First French edition. This was the largest work hitherto published on fortification, and it is specially interesting for containing 41 plans of European fortresses. It was originally published in Latin the year before (1647) and a German translation appeared the same year as this French edition.""Magnifique publication, orné de 29 figures de fortifications et de 41 plans de villes, en tout 70 grandes planches hors texte. L Elzevier a tiré parti de ces planches en publiant dès l'année suivante des traductions de l'ouvrage en francais et en allemand."" (Willems, Les Elzevier No 1064). - Sotheran Second Suppl. No 20981 (French edition) - Brunet II:788. - Klaus Jordan No 910.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK16,500.00 (€2,213.01 )
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