S.n., à Paris 1776, In-8 (12,5x20,2cm), (2) iv 5-155p., relié.
Reference : 66069
Nouvelle édition, la même année que l'originale qui parut à Londres et Paris. Reliure en plein veau brun marbré d'époque. Dos à nerfs orné. Pièce de titre en maroquin rouge. Mors supérieur fendu en tête et queue. Coiffe de tête élimée. Frottements. Bel exemplaire. Boncerf fut le secrétaire de Turgot dont les thèses inspirèrent l'ouvrage. Ses idées en sont révolutionnaires, l'auteur réclamant l'affranchissement des fonds comme des personnes, proposant d'autoriser le rachat de toutes rentes, devoirs et servitudes féodales. Le livre connut un retentissement inouï et le pouvoir vit aussitôt le danger des thèses avancées, condamnant l'ouvrage à être brûlé le 23 février 1776. Une intervention de Turgot empêcha Boncerf d'être condamné. 32 éditions parurent jusqu'en 1791, parfois avec le nom de Turgot. - Photos sur www.Edition-originale.com -
Le Feu Follet
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Londres, 1775. 2 volumes in 1. (1), 155, (1) pp.; 275, (3) pp. 8vo. Contemporary marbled calf, spine gilt with raised bands, red morocco label with gilt lettering, small damage to joint at the foot of the volume. First work: Kress 7193; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi; this edition not in INED; cf: Camus 1566; Peinot, Livres Condamnés, i, p. 43 (with wrong date). Third edition, published in the same year as the first edition, first edition with this title. Pierre-François Boncerf, French writer on agrarian subjects. While a clerk in the ministry of finance under Turgot he published a pamphlet, Les inconvénients des droits féodaux. According to Palgrave the work was published with the consent of Turgot. In it he attacked the contemporary system of feudal dues as ruinous to those who pay them, of little advantage to its benificiaries and contrary to the principles of freedom. The solemn condemnation of the pamphlet by the parlement of Paris, which the king vetoed, and the ensuing controversy in the press, in which Voltaire took a prominent part, established Boncerf's reputation and resulted in the translation of the work into many European languages. The pages 70-end contain the relevant texts by Montesquieu. The first edition was published anonymously, the second edition under the assumed name M. Francaleu. Second work: Higgs 6537; INED 3188 (1831 edition); Martin & Walter 24430; not in Goldsmiths (see 11518 for the second edition).First edition. Philosophical and political study on despotism and its effects it pretents to refute the theories of Rousseau while the author in reality attacks straight forward the government. Of actual value seems again his remark 'La nation finit toujours par être plus puissante que le tyran lorsque le pouvoir arbitraire parvenu à son dernier délire a dissous tous les liens de l'opinion et épuisé les ressources que la terre offre à ceux qui la cultivent en liberté. Ainsi les hommes se vengent tôt ou tard.' 'Dans cet insolent libelle, intitulé Essai sur le Despotisme, sous couleur de réfuter les théories de Jean-Jacques sur la bonté naturelle de l'homme, l'auteur s'attaquait de front aux pouvoirs' (Duc de Castries, Mirabeau, p. 105). Important work proclaiming democratic ideas and openly attacking despotism: 'Après cette vue philosophique générale, l'ouvrage s'attaquait seulement au 'despotisme d'un seul'' (Duc de Castries, op.cit)
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75
A Paris, 1776. (2), 155, (1) pp. 8vo. Contemporary marbled calf, spine gilt in compartments, gilt lettering. Kress 7193; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi; this edition not in INED; Camus 1566; Peinot, Livres Condamnés, i, p. 43 (with wrong date). Third edition, published in the same year as the first edition, the other two having only 48 and 72 pages respectively. Pierre-François Boncerf, French writer on agrarian subjects. While a clerk in the ministry of finance under Turgot he published a pamphlet, Les inconvénients des droits féodaux. According to Palgrave the work was published with the consent of Turgot. In it he attacked the contemporary system of feudal dues as ruinous to those who pay them, of little advantage to its benificiaries and contrary to the principles of freedom. The solemn condemnation of the pamphlet by the parlement of Paris, which the king vetoed, and the ensuing controversy in the press, in which Voltaire took a prominent part, established Boncerf's reputation and resulted in the translation of the work into many European languages. The pages 70-end contain the relevant texts by Montesquieu. The work was first published anonymously, a second edition was published with the pseudonym M. Francaleu.
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75