
‎Editions Weber, Paris 1970, 25,5x29,5cm, 4 volumes en reliure de l'éditeur.‎

Reference : 51146

‎Edition originale de la traduction française. Reliures de l'éditeur en plein skyvertex rouge, dos lisses, exemplaires complets de leurs jaquettes qui ne comportent aucun défaut ainsi que de leurs rhodoïds. Très riche iconographie. Agréable ensemble. - Photos sur www.Edition-originale.com - ‎

€450.00 (€450.00 )
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‎Catalogue of 182 paintings, drawings and prints displayed at the Fondation Beyeler, comprising the largest monographic exhibition on Goya outside of Spain. Discussed chronologically, Goya's artistic career is presented in six sections on the early years, his beginnings as a court painter, his ascension under Charles IV, the impact of the war years, his postwar period and the late years in Bodeaux, all prefaced by a biographical account and followed by in-depth essays on the main works of the period. Text in English‎


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