‎BERZELIUS Jöns Jacob‎
‎Rapport annuel sur les progrès de la chimie présenté le 31 mars 1841 à l'Académie Royale des sciences de Stockholm‎

‎Fortin, Masson & Cie, Paris 1842, 13,5x22cm, relié.‎

Reference : 4649

‎Edition originale. Traduction de P. Plantamour. Reliure en plein cartonnage marron, bel exemplaire malgré quelques légères rousseurs. - Photos sur www.Edition-originale.com - ‎

€70.00 (€70.00 )
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1 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 53400

‎Rapport annuel sur LES PROGRES DES SCIENCES PHYSIQUES ET CHIMIQUES présenté le 31 Mars 1840 à l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Stockholm. Traduit du suédois par M. Plantamour. P., Fortin, 1841 - Rapport annuel sur LES PROGRES DE LA CHIMIE. Traduit du suédois par Ph. Plantamour, (présenté à l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Stockholm de 1841 à 1847) -- 8 VOLUMES (complete set)‎

‎P., Fortin, 1841/1848, 8 VOLUMES in 8 reliés en demi-toile verte (reliure de l'époque), (quelques rousseurs, cachets de bibliothèque), T.1 : (2), 16pp., 346pp., 8pp., T.2 : (3), 280pp., 8pp., T.3 : (2), 15pp., 336pp., T.4 : 16pp., 399pp., T.5 : 12pp., 402pp., T.6 : 19pp., 532pp., T.7 : 19pp., 532pp., T.8 : 16pp., 414pp., 1 tableau dépliant‎

‎---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- BON EXEMPLAIRE BIEN COMPLET DE TOUS SES VOLUMES ---- "BERZELIUS presented an annual report on physics, chemistry and mineralogy which was published in swedish... The french translation contains some polemics against Liebig omitted from the German by Wöhler who also toned down some wording in earlier volumes...". (Partington IV p. 146) ---- "BERZELIUS' most active and productive years were those in which chemistry was beginning to show the full effects of LAVOISIER's revolution. The fundamental tools which he created were extremely influential in determining the direction in which the science developed. His achievements were many and varied, and at first glance they seem rather unrelated to each other. Upon closer examination we find an underlying unity of thought and a logical interconnection and development of this thought in most of his work... The tremendous influence which BERZELIUS exerted on the chemist of his time came not only from his experimental discoveries and his theoretical interpretations. His voluminous writings were circulated everywhere in the chemical world. He reported his own discoveries in the various editions of his textbook and he surveyed the whole progress of chemistry in his Annual reports which were read everywhere... By the force of his personality, by the skill of his laboratory techniques, and by his power to collect, synthesize and publicize the chemistry of his day, he exerted an influence on his own time which is still reflected in chemistry more than a century after his death...". (DSB II pp. 90/96) ---- Partington IV pp. 142/152**53400(534)O6AR‎

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