Editions Jeanne Saintier, Rodez 1950, 12x19cm, broché.
Reference : 44534
Edition originale, un des 600 exemplaires numérotés sur select, seul tirage après 12 alfa. Bel envoi autographe signé de l'auteur à Raymond Fournier. Dos insolé, agréable état intérieur. - Photos sur www.Edition-originale.com -
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Seghers / Laffont. 1975. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 230 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
Sommaire : Manifeste de change en d'autres termes - autres termes du change - inter-change - du collectif 68 au mouvement 74 - mouvement du change des formes et résistances tricontinentale - dialogue sur la poétique et le langage - dialogue sur les enjeux - comment change la littérature la poésie ? - dialogue sur l'action du change : prémisses, peinture, inconscient, langue - erotasmes - langage totalitaire et révolution portugaise etc. Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
Unesco - Mouton Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1968 Book condition, Etat : Très bon hardcover, no dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 437 pages
1st edition was 1963 Contents, Chapitres : Preface - 1. Introduction : Bert F. Hoselitz : Main concepts in the analysis of the social implications of technical change - Neil J. Smelser : Mechanisms of change and adjustment to change - 2. Entrepreneurship and innovation : W. Thomas Easterbrook : The entrepreunerial function in relation to technological and economic change - David C. McClelland : The achievement motive in economic growth - 3. Consumption, savings and investment : Simon Kuznets : Consumption, industrialization and urbanization - Richard D. Lambert : The social and psychological determinants of savings and investments in developing societies - 4. Government and public administration : David E. Apter : System, process, and politics of economic development - S.N. Eisenstadt : Problems of emerging bureaucracies in developing areas and new states - George I. Blanksten : Transference of social and political loyalties - 5. Urbanization, population and family : Philip M. Hauser : The social, economic, technological problems of rapid urbanization - Nathan Keyfitz : The impact of technological change on demographic patterns - William J. Goode : Industrialization and family change - 6. Education and communication : C. Arnold Anderson : The impact of the educational system on technological change and modernization - Ithiel de Sola Pool : The role of communication in the process of modernization and technological change - 7. Summary of substantive findings : Wilbert E. Moore : Industrialization and social change - Appendixes very small spot on the front-cloth, otherwise fine copy
Paris, Debure / Orléans, Vve Rouzeau-Montaut, 2 textes reliés en 1 volume, 1768, viij-275 p. et viij-258-[2], pleine reliure d'époque, environ 17x10cm, dos à caissons et fleurons dorés. Quelques frottements d'usage sur la reliure, une traînée blanche sur le second plat sur 4cm, manque de papier sur la page de titre, bon état néanmoins.
Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.
, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 340 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:94 b/w, 8 col., 17 tables b/w., Languages: English, French, German. ISBN 9782503578750.
Summary Palaeographers and codicologists have gradually developed concepts and terms to analyse change in medieval and Renaissance scripts and manuscripts. Some of these endeavour to offer explanatory models, either for specific phenomena or for general trends. Others are essentially descriptive, typological and chronological, referring to implicit (traditional) theories of historical evolution. The papers in this book offer a wide range of palaeographical and codicological case-studies describing and analysing "change". Several papers offer the outlines of a theoretical framework, bringing out the conditions for the evolution of scripts as well as for progress in the production and distribution of texts and manuscripts. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Teresa De Robertis, Nicoletta Giov , Come cambia la scrittura Ainoa Castro Correa, The Regional Study of Visigothic Script: Visigothic Script vs. Caroline Minuscule in Galicia Peter A. Stokes, Change and Variation in Eleventh-Century English Script Walter Koch, Schriftwandel bei Notaren in der hochmittelalterlichen Reichskanzlei Irene Ceccherini, Cursivit et institutions. L' criture de la chancellerie de France entre la fin du XIIe et la fin du XIIIe si cle Elena E. Rodr guez D az, El origen del libro g tico en los reinos de Castilla y Le n. La diferente ubicaci n de las iniciales secundarias y may sculas Vladimir I. Mazhuga, Le changement d'aspect de la page dans les manuscrits juridiques italiens la p riode pr accursienne (d'apr s les manuscrits et les fragments conserv s Saint-P tersbourg) Dominique Stutzmann, R sistance au changement ? Les critures des livres d'heures dans l'espace fran ais (1200-1600) Martin Schubert, The Invention of Space. Verses and the Line Break in Medieval German Manuscripts Nata?a Golob, Painted Key-Words: Accessing Contents by Images Laura Albiero, Le br viaire, de l'autel la poche. Quelques consid rations propos des br viaires portatifs Chiara Ruzzier, Les changements dans la fabrication du livre aux XIVe et XVe si cles d'apr s les manuscrits des abbayes b n dictines des Pays-Bas m ridionaux Laura Regnicoli, David Speranzi, Mutamenti, continuit e interazioni delle scritture distintive librarie latine e greche nel Quattrocento fiorentino Martin Wagendorfer, Universit tsakten anders gelesen. Kulturtransfer, Transformation und die Humanistica n rdlich der Alpen Francisco M. Gimeno Blay, Muestrario gr fico del oto o medieval: Ars litteraria y Ars alphabetica de Hartmann Schedel. De N remberg a Padua Session APICES Colleen M. Curran, Standardization Through Hybridization: The Morphology of English Caroline Script Matilde Silla Sgarbi, Codicologia d'archivio. I pi antichi registri di imbreviature dell'Archivio di Stato di Firenze Ren ta Modr kov , The Change of Historical Periods. Manuscripts and Scribes from St George's Convent at Prague Castle in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries Marco Antonio Siciliani, Scritture di frontiera. Alcune riflessioni su cultura grafica, luoghi e sistemi di produzione libraria ad Avignone nel XIV secolo Elisabetta Sciarra, Codici e libri stampati postillati: note di possesso, note di lettura, note di studio nella base dati dei possessori della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana di Venezia
, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 449 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:24 b/w, 149 col., 3 maps b/w, 2 maps color, Language: English. ISBN 9782503602684.
Summary The year 1204, when Byzantium was conquered by the participants of the Fourth Crusade, marks a major and violent change on several levels, including politics and the economy, society and religion, as well as art and culture. The once powerful empire experienced both the humiliation of foreign occupation and its political subjugation. After its re-establishment in 1261, Byzantium had become a shrunken state, surrounded by aggressive enemies, while a number of its vital areas, such as Crete and Cyprus, together with the Aegean and Ionian islands, remained under foreign rule. These changes influenced not only the artistic output but the everyday life of the Byzantines as well. New ideas, new preferences, and new techniques are attested in architecture, painting, sculpture, and minor arts, all of which developed a new dynamic. According to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesos (c. 535 - c. 475 B.C.), whose aphorism ????? ???, i.e. everything flows, is highlighted in the title of this collective volume, change is the fundamental essence of the universe. The book aims to provide an up-to-date, well-rounded, and balanced overview of the long thirteenth century, by examining aspects of the artistic and cultural transformations created and developed within the new framework of co-existence among Byzantines, Latins, Slavs, and Ottomans. TABLE OF CONTENTS Notes on Contributors List of Figures Acknowledgments Introduction Jenny P. Albani and Ioanna Christoforaki PART I. A Capital Exiled, A Capital Regained Chapter 1 Loss, Memory, and Exile: Innovation and Simulation in Laskarid Art and Architecture Naomi Ruth Pitamber Chapter 2 Brickwork and Fa ade: Envisioning the Apse of the Church of Saint John the Baptist at the Lips Monastery Jasmina S. ?iri? PART II Artistic Developments and Interactions in the Christian East Chapter 3 Tradition and Transition on the Slopes of the Pentadaktylos Mountain in Thirteenth-Century Cyprus Nikolas Bakirtzis Chapter 4 Icons of the Virgin Nursing at Sinai and the Question of the Origins of the Madonna dell'Umilt Irene Leontakianakou Chapter 5 An Unknown Frankish Icon of the Mother of God Michele Bacci Chapter 6 Changes and Innovation: Reassessing Thirteenth-Century Byzantine Manuscript Illumination Marina Toumpouri PART III Regional Styles and New Cultural Identities Chapter 7 Architectural Sculpture during the Thirteenth Century: Cultural Interactions Shaping New Regional Identities Catherine Vanderheyde Chapter 8 Artistic Links between Epiros, Prilep, and Berroia in the Late Thirteenth Century: Continuity and Change in Monumental Painting Leonela Fundi? Chapter 9 A Missing Link in the Development of Relief Haloes: The Evidence from Macedonia Nikolaos Siomkos PART IV New Data on Everyday and Luxury Objects Chapter 10 Changing Byzantium: The Thirteenth Century Viewed through Its Pottery: Summary of the Evidence, Main Trends, Thoughts for Future Directions Anastasia G. Yangaki Chapter 11 Slow Paces of Change in Byzantine Material Culture: Dress in the Thirteenth Century Pari Kalamara Chapter 12 New Light on Byzantine Enamels of the Thirteenth Century Antje Bosselmann-Ruickbie PART V Envisaging and Visualizing Death Chapter 13 Eloquent Texts, Colourful Images: Visionary Scenes at the Refectory of the Patmos Monastery Konstantia Kefala Chapter 14 Is Everything Dead after Death? Mural Paintings of the Last Judgment and the Eschatological Preoccupations of the Thirteenth Century. Dimitra Kotoula In Conclusion Jenny P. Albani and Ioanna Christoforaki Index of Persons Topographical Index