A. Lefèvre, Bruxelles 1904, 16x24,5cm, broché.
Reference : 36149
Edition originale imprimée à petit nombre de ce tiré à part dont il n'est pas fait mention de grands papiers. Envoi autographe signé de Georges Dwelshauvers au poète symboliste André-Ferdinand Hérold. Rare et agréable exemplaire. - Photos sur www.Edition-originale.com -
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Reference : bd-137afe975dea0703
"""In German: Lessing, H.E. Collection of Works by Gothold Ephraim Lessing Edited by G. Laube Lessing, G.E. Gotthold Ephrain Lessings Werke, Vol. 2-5.-Wien; Leipzig; Prag: Derlag von Sigmund Bensinger, 1882.-Vol. 2: 2, 295, 1 p.; Vol. 3: 259, 1; Vol. 4: 2, 246, 2 p.; Vol. 5: 278, 1 p.;/Na nem. yaz. Lessing, G.E. Sobranie sochineniy Gotkholda Efraima Lessinga Pod red. G. Laube Lessing, G.E. Gotthold Ephrain Lessings Werke. T. 2-5.-Wien; Leipzig; Prag: Derlag von Sigmund Bensinger, 1882.-T. 2: 2, 295, 1 s.; T. 3: 259, 1; T. 4: 2, 246, 2 s.; T. 5: 278, 1 s.; In German: Lessing, H.E. Collection of Works by Gothold Ephraim Lessing Edited by G. Laube Lessing, G.E. Gotthold Ephrain Lessings Werke, Vol. 2-5.-Wien; Leipzig; Prag: Derlag von Sigmund Bensinger, 1882.-Vol. 2: 2, 295, 1 p.; Vol. 3: 259, 1; Vol. 4: 2, 246, 2 p.; Vol. 5: 278, 1 p.;. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-137afe975dea0703."""
Reference : albeb04a0cd7eff4bc5
Lessing Gotthold Ephraim (Lessing H.E.) Freundschaftlicher Briefwechsel zwischen Gotthold Ephraim Lessing und seiner Frau. Part 2. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Lessing Gotthold Ephraim (Lessing G.E.) Freundschaftlicher Briefwechsel zwischen Gotthold Ephraim Lessing und seiner Frau (Druzheskaya perepiska Lessinga so svoey zhenoy). Ch. 2.Berlin Voss 1789. 316 p.. SKUalbeb04a0cd7eff4bc5.
Lessing G. E. Nathan the Sage. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Lessing G. E. Nat. Translation from German by V. S. Likhachov. St. Petersburg 1897. 120 p. SKUalb5c326124bc5b8849.
Lessing G. Nathan the Wise. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Lessing G. Natan mudryy. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).SPB Marx 1897 402s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb731f46d09eb002d7
Lessing H.E. Dramy.-Basney in prose. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Lessing G.E. Library of World Literature (BVL). Series 1. Literature of the Ancient East the Ancient World the Middle Ages the Renaissance the 17th and 18th Centuries Volume 54). SKUalbd8cef31b58ebc039.