London J. Walker 1811 in 16 (13x7) 1 volume reliure veau fauve époque, dos lisse orné, frontispice gravé, titre frontispice illustrée d'une vignette gravée [2], 264 pages [2]. Bon exemplaire
Reference : 43422
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Librairie Rouchaléou
M. Jean Rouchaléou
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Conformes aux usagex de la librairie ancienne et moderne
London, R. Dodsley, 1742-44 (Night 1-6), G.Hawkins, 1744-45 (Night 7-9). 4to. Contemp. Full calf. Rebacked. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. Wear to covers and edges. Corners bumped. Engraved frontispiece. First title-page with some soiling and browning. Some parts with light browning and offsettings, a few scattered brownspots. Part 2 & 3 seems to lack the Prefaces (the text begins on p. 5). No halftitles.
First edition of part 2-9, as part 1 is ""The Second Edition"", being the first in 4to (first published in folio). The text has 4 corrections which is nearly without doubt in the author's own hand (ink). The conclusion is confirmed by a note laid in from an antiquarian bookseller Elkin Mathews Ltd. (dated 2nd, february, 1948), which reads ""The corrections are four in number and are certainly such as would be made only by the author. On page 129, the second word in the fourth line is heavely blocked out in ink and the word 'thoughts' is written in its place"" on page 144, the third word in the line three from the bottom is similarly blocked out and the name 'Holles' is written in. The other corrections are of less interest and importence but are also undoubtly author's corrections."" (Signed PHM/DC - Percy ?).The above stement is backed up, reaching the same result, by the well-known book-collector Bent Juul-Jensen, New College Oxford, referring to the handwriting in the Young MSS.After part 9 is bound ROBERT BLAIR: The Grave. A Poem. London, M. Cooper, 1743. First edition.
published by Suttaby, Crosby & Co Seatcherd ans Letterman and Corrall, 1807, un volume in 18 reliure plein cuir à liserés, frontispice. Coiffe inferieure manquante, Photos sur demande/ pictures on request;
Bartow 1820 1 vol. relié in-24, veau fauve, dos lisse orné d'une pièce de titre de veau olive, de filets et dentelles dorés, frise dorée en encadrement sur les plats, tranches marbrées, VI + 301 pp., gravure en frontispice. Reliure d'époque un peu usée au coupes et aux mors et petites rousseurs éparses.
London, Printed for A. Millar in the Strand and R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, MDCCL. (1750), in-8vo, engraved front (C. Vertue) + 404 p., titlepage with engr. vignette and ‘Sunt lacrymae rerum, & mentem mortalia tangunt. Virg.’, engraved ex-libris ‘August Rudolf Tscharner’ (1804-1882) avec devise à la main ‘An honest man is the noblest of God’ (Wegmann, Schweizer Ex Libris Nr 7171 (cf. plate 40), full contemporary leather binding, spine with 5 bands and title-piece, Joints weak but firm.
Rare edition, only one copy found in Worldcat of this edition without the mention on title: ‘to which is added...’ and having 404 pages. 2 Hw. notices found in the book 1) ‘not found in Catalogue of the British Museum’, 2) information on ‘August Rudolf Tscharner’.
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