Saint Peters, Experimental Art Foundation, 1979. 17,5 x 25 cm, 16 pp. Très bel état. Rare exemplaire du premier numéro de la revue publiée par les membres du groupe surréaliste, The Surrealist Group in Australia fondé à Adélaide en 1977 : Hilary Booth, Michael Vandelaar, Anthony Redmond, Ronald Vandelaar, Leon Marvel et Ian Jones. La revue ne comptera que deux numéros. Influencés par la revue et le mouvement Phases de Paris, le groupe des surréalistes australiens affirmaient leur soutien aux mouvements sociaux et révolutionnaires au sein de leur Manifeste : Devoid of any interest in the maintenance of such a social regime, we thus find ourselves inextricably linked with all others who form the vast base of the pyramid of oppression. Acutely aware that the emancipation of thought and the emancipation material life constitute an indissoluble dialectical relationship, our alignment with the struggle of the working class against the continuous plunder conducted by the ruling financiers, the struggle of women and children against the fetters of patriarchal ideology, the struggle of colonized people against imperialist exploitation – our alignment that is, with the struggle of all oppressed beings against all forms of oppression - is incontestable
Reference : 94
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