Éditeurs divers, 1952-1970.10 plaquettes de format variable, entre 21,5 x 14 cm et 26,5 x 19 cm, entre 4 et 40 pages, en anglais.Avec envoi de l'auteur (non signés) :- Linguistics and Communication Theory. American Mathematical Theory, 1961 (reprint).- Linguistic Glosses to the Goldstein's "Wortbegriff". Reprint from Journal of Individual Psychology, 1959.- Slavic Word. December 1952. On Slavic Diaphonies ending in a Liquid. The Linguistic Circle of New York, 1952 (article de Jakobson seul).- Linguistics. Reprint from Main Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences, 1970.- A la recherche de l'essence du langage. Extrait de Diogène n° 51, juillet-septembre 1965.- Notes on Gilyak. Reprinted from The Bulletin of the Institute of History and Psychology Academia Sinica vol. XXIX, 1957 (couverture insolée).Sans envoi :- Saussure's Unpublished Reflections on Phonemes. Extrait des Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure n° 26, 1969.- Toward the Logical Description of Languages in their Phonemic Aspect. Co-écrit avec E. Colin Cherry et Morris Halle. Reprinted from Language, vol. 29, 1953.- The Archetype of the First Edition of the Igor Tale. Offprint from Harvard Library Bulletin, volume VI, n. 1, 1952.- Reports for the Eighth International Congress of Linguistics. Supplement. Oslo University Press, 1957. Réf. [Plaquettes].
Reference : 272
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