1978 Somniloquist's, 1978. 25 x 20,5 cm, 111 pp. Broché, petite déchirure au dos sinon bon exemplaire. Textes de Paul Eluard, Charles Henri Ford, Paul Grillo, George-There Dickenson, Jerry Estrin, Ahmad Shamlu, Siavosh Kasra'i, Forugh Farrokhzad, Kiumars Monshizadeh, Cecil Helman, Debbie Narin, John Digby, Marc Lecard, Valery Oisteanu, Ira Cohen, Opal Nations, B. C. Leale, Jimmy Penzi, Petra Vogt, Jimmy Gladiator, Salome, Jehan Van Langhenhaven, Patrice Uhl, Tristan Mandragore, Marilyn Kallet, Jeremy Reed, Ann Gleeson, Nanos Valaoritis, Gellu Naum, Will Bennett, Lorenzo de Kleinhans, Gwynn O'Gara, Bill Wolak, Salah Faik, Roderick L. Iverson, Janie Pommy-Vega, Pavel Reznicek, Ted Joans, and Joyce Mansour. collages de John Digby, Philip Kuznicki, Steven Frim, John Evans, Valery Oisteanu, Ira Cohen, Bill Wolf, Ching Ho Cheng, Haifa Zangana, and Stefan Jamiolkowski.
Reference : 1031
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