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‎Verlag M. Dumont Schauenberg (Cologne 1963). En feuilles 30 x 23 sous couverture de vélin d'Arches imprimée en noir. L'un des 100 exemplaires numérotés en arabe, outre quelques romains, signés par l'artiste sur vélin d'Arches. 6 eaux-fortes et aquatintes originales d'Antonio Saura, tirées par Druckerei H.Kätelhön à Wamel-Möhnesee. ‎

Reference : YG19738

‎Ces songes d'un auteur baroque espagnol, personnage à l'humour grinçant voire féroce qui chevauche les XVI et XVIIe siècles, ont inspiré à l'artiste ce premier livre illustré. [Weber-Caflisch/Cramer 49-54] > En cas de problème de commande, veuillez nous contacter par notre page d'accueil / If you have any problems with your order please contact us via our homepage < ‎

€1,768.59 (€1,768.59 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

Reference : alb54a909182de5cc56

‎Pluschow Gunther. Silberkondor uber Feuerland. Mit Segelkutter und Flugzeug ins Reich meiner Traume. In German (ask us‎

‎Pluschow Gunther. Silberkondor uber Feuerland. Mit Segelkutter und Flugzeug ins Reich meiner Traume. In German (ask us if in doubt)./Pluschow Gunther. Silberkondor uber Feuerland. Mit Segelkutter und Flugzeug ins Reich meiner Traume. Silver Condor over the Land of Fire. A German-language book with photographs of Berlin Ullstein in 1929. SKUalb54a909182de5cc56.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Mackenzie, Norman.‎

Reference : 3352


‎, Genf, Keller, 1969., Leinen, mit umslag, in-8? , 352pp.‎

‎In diesem Buch finden Sie die modernsten Erkentnisse der Traumforschung: Wie man Schlaf und Traume messen kann. Klinische Versuche. Die phantastischen Erlebnisse in durch LSD und andere Drogen kunstlich erzeugten Traumen. Sewuele Motive im Traum und ihre Bedeutung.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR16.00 (€16.00 )

‎(ISELIN, I.)‎

Reference : 26127

‎Träume eines Menschenfreundes. Erster [-Zweyter] Theil.‎

‎Carlsruhe, bei Christian Gottlieb Schmieder, 1784. With one folding table. Two volumes bound in one. (iii)-xvi, 288 pp.; (iv), 369, (1) pp. 8vo. 19th-century half cloth, spine gilt in compartments, gilt lettering, marbled boards, corners, sprinkled edges. Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi; not in Menger; for other editions see Goldsmiths 11382 and Humpert 12691; Mattioli 1690; NUC locates only two copies (NNC, CU). Second edition of the author's principal work on physiocracy, and very rare. In 1755 Iselin published his Patriotische und Philosophische Träume eines Menschenfreundes. 'Afterwards, by good fortune, the Ephémérides du Citoyen came into his hands after reading which Quesnay became in his eyes 'what Newton is in the eyes of a mathematician.' The new standpoint comes to light, fully matured in the work which appeared in 1776: Träume eines Menschenfreundes. This book is by no means a second edition of the work published in 1755, as is generally supposed, and as might have been conjectured from the kindred title, but quite a new work' (Palgrave, vol. ii, p. 459) in which he embraces the authors who had adopted Quesnay's teaching, as the marquis de Mirabeau, Baudeau, Comte d'Albon and others. The present edition is a reprint of the 1776 edition, the first volume contains the representation of Quesnay's Tableau Economique.According to Iselin human institutions have corrupted the natural order and in this book he concludes with a new constitution aiming at the reconciliation of the republicanism of his Swiss homeland with the enlightened despotism of Quesnay. Iselin was the editor of the German economic journal Ephemeriden der Menschheit which soon gained a great reputation and counted among its contributors many of the most eminent German economists of the time.- The half-titles, carrying the serial-title "Sammlung der bestend deutschen prosaischen Schriftsteller und Dichter. Hundert und vierzigster (Ein und vierzigster) Theil", are absent, tear in page v-vi repaired, title-pages with contemporary ownership's entry in blank portion. ‎

(NVVA, )

Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75

EUR800.00 (€800.00 )

‎LOBNER Hans-Werner‎

Reference : G110730


‎Reden und Träume als strategische Elemente der Geschichtsschreibung des Mittelalters. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Reden und Träume der Sverris-Saga‎

‎Freiburg i.Br., 1992 264 + [18] pp., 21cm., softcover, text in German, Doctoral dissertation (Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultäten der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität zu Freiburg im Breisgau), stamp at verso of title page, text is clean and bright, good condition, G110730‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎FREUD, Sigmund:‎

Reference : 122440aaf


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF30.00 (€32.16 )
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