C.Tarin, Lausanne (1914). Broché 24 x 16, couverture imprimée à rabats sous pergamine. Édition originale. L'un des 20 exemplaires de tête réimposés et numérotés sur Hollande avant 580 vergé.
Reference : YG19639
Bel et rare exemplaire de luxe de ce drame avec choeurs en 4 actes, avec musique de Gustave Doret et décors de Jean Morax. Exemplaire relié sur demande avec dédicace de l'auteur et des deux précités. > En cas de problème de commande, veuillez nous contacter par notre page d'accueil / If you have any problems with your order please contact us via our homepage <
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Alger: Librairie Adolphe Jourdan, 1892 in-8, 502 pages. Reliure basane rouge.
L’Algérie légendaire. En pèlerinage çà et là aux tombeaux des principaux thaumaturges de l'Islam (Tell et Sahra). (Alger: Librairie Adolphe Jourdan, 1892). [M.C.: Algérie]
<p>This is the account of a remarkable excavation. It started with a modest dig on an unremarkable tell in Jordan. The name of the tell does not occur in the Bible, and no ancient town of any importance was to be expected under the rubble. The excavator Henk Franken had not yet made a name for himself within the archaeological community. And yet, from 1960 onwards history was being (re)written at Tell Deir Alla. To discover the secrets of the tell, the expedition team defied cold, rain and stormy winds for months on end, sleeping in rattling tents and working long days on the tell and in the camp. And with success! A meticulous yet efficient excavation method was introduced, the already tenuous relationship between Bible and archaeology was further exacerbated, and the study of excavated pottery was given a scientific basis. The name Deir Alla became an international benchmark for modern scientific research, for prompt publication of the remarkable finds and for independent interpretation of the excavation results. The story of the excavations at Tell Deir Alla in the 1960s have never been told in any detail, and the excavation results have mostly been published in scholarly books and journals which are difficult to access. This book hopes to remedy that. It recounts the story of the first ten years of the project, from 1959 when funding for the project was sought, until 1969 when the first report was published. The first section describes the organization of the project before the expedition team went out into the field. The second part takes the reader to the actual field work and describes the occupation history of the tell. The story is illustrated by numerous photographs and plans, many of which are being published for the first time.</p> Leiden, 2019 Sidestone Press 156 p., 85 ill. N/B, 30 ill. Couleur, broché. 18 x 25
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2006 Hardcover. VI 257 p., 244 b/w ill., 210 x 295 mm, Languages: English, French, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9782503522913.
This collective work presents the preliminary results of excavations undertaken by the Canadian archaeological mission to Tell ?Acharneh, Syria in 1998, 1999, and 2002, as well as the results of a study season of excavated materials carried out in the Hama Museum in 2004. Field reports on each annual campaign, prepared by the director of the mission, describe the architectural remains according to their chronological and stratigraphic position at the site. Those reports are completed with specialized studies, written by different experts, of various categories of artifacts recovered over the course of excavations, such as pottery, coins and chipped stone artifacts. The archaeological studies are preceded by articles pertaining to epigraphic sources which make reference to Tunip, a city which is frequently documented in ancient texts and which corresponds most probably to the site of Tell ?Acharneh. Historical documents of the Middle Ages, during which time Tell ?Acharneh became designated by the toponym Tal Ibn Macher, are also discussed in this volume. Cet ouvrage collectif presente les resultats preliminaires des campagnes de fouilles qui ont ete menees par la mission archeologique canadienne en Syrie sur le site de Tell ?Acharneh en 1998, 2001 et 2002, ainsi que de la saison d?etude du materiel archeologique, issu de ces fouilles, qui eut lieu en 2004 au Musee de Hama. Les rapports de fouilles sur les campagnes annuelles, prepares par le directeur de la mission, decrivent les decouvertes architecturales en regard de la chrono-stratigraphie du site. Ces rapports sont completes par des etudes specialisees, realisees par differents experts, portant sur certaines categories d?artefacts recueillies au cours de ces fouilles: ceramique, pieces de monnaie et fragments d?artefacts en pierre taillee. Puisque Tell ?Acharneh pourrait bien correspondre a la ville antique de Tunip mentionnee dans plusieurs textes anciens, les etudes archeologiques sont precedees d?articles traitant de documents epigraphiques, deja connus, relatifs a cette ville. Au Moyen Age, Tell ?Acharneh aurait ete designe par le toponyme de Tal Ibn Macher d?apres la lecture de certaines chroniques de l?epoque qui sont ici commentees.
<p>I. Introduction......................... 1 II. Géo-archéologie................................ 7 1. Prospections géomorphologiques et archéologiques........................ 7 2. Premières données sur l’évolution générale de la topographie du tell ................... 11 2.1. Modélisation de la gezira......................... 12 2.2. Les niveaux anthropiques.............................................. 14 III. Les périodes d’occupation.................................................. 17 1. La période Bouto II-IIIA................................................... 18 2. La période Naqada IIIA-B................................................... 20 3. La période Naqada IIIC-D............................ 22 4. La Basse Époque (XXVIe dynastie).................................. 30 5. L’époque moderne................................................................. 35 IV. Les structures........................................................................ 65 1. Les matériaux et modes de construction de la période naqadienne............................ 65 1.1. Description....................................... 65 1.2. Synthèse liminaire......................... 73 2. Les inhumations............................ 75 2.1. Description des tombes...................... 75 2.2. Résultats biologiques et pratiques funéraires........................... 91 2.3. Étude des nattes et vanneries des sépultures.......................... 94 V. Mobilier................................................ 99 1. Le mobilier céramique......................................... 99 1.1. La céramique cbe et Naqada IIIA-B............................ 99 1.2. Les phases naqada IIIC-IIID.................................. 130 1.3. La céramique d’ époque pharaonique................................... 171 2. Les industries lithiques................................. 195 Sommaire VI tell el-iswid 2006-2009 2.1. Les industries de pierre taillée.................................... 195 2.2. Examen d’un échantillonnage de silex : composition élémentaire.................... 214 2.3. Analyse tracéologique d’un échantillon de l’ industrie lithique de Tell el-Iswid-sud.............................. 219 2.4. Matériel de broyage et outillage en pierre non taillée.......................... 224 3. Seal impressions from Tell el-Iswid............................... 230 4. Le petit mobilier................................ 243 5. Les vases en pierre.................................. 266 VI. L’économie de subsistance....................................... 275 1. La faune de Tell el-Iswid sud, secteur 1a et 1b........................ 275 2. Tell el-iswid : l’économie de subsistance au IVe millénaire d’après les résultats des analyses des micro-restes végétaux................. 281</p> Le Caire, 2014 IFAO 320 p., illustrations couleur, broché. 24,6 x 32,5
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2002 softcover . 220 pages ., 93 b/w ill., 210 x 295 mm, Languages: English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9782503513447.
Tell Boueid II is one of many sites submerged by the completion of the Middle Khabur dam, northeastern Syria. Salvage excavations by Antoine Suleiman (DGAM) in 1997 and 1998 exposed a small (about 0.12 ha) settlement dated on the basis of the ceramics to the Late Neolithic period. More specifically, comparisons with Tell Sabi Abyad and Tell Chagar Bazar suggest a date at the end of the Pre-Halaf era and the beginning of the Transitional stage between pre-Halaf and Early Halaf. During this crucial period, which remains poorly understood in Syria and northern Mesopotamia, various regional communities in Syria and northern Mesopotamia exhibit an increasingly strong cultural unity. In the report, archaeologists and specialists present the analyses of some aspects of the excavations: the architecture, the small finds, the Late Neolithic ceramics, the faunal remains, the obsidian, two clay sealings and the contents of two Late Chalcolithic pits. The ceramics show strong relationships with the so-called Hassuna and Samarra traditions known from Iraq. The obsidian tools, too, show affinities with the Samarra tradition but also with local, Syrian traditions. Of particular significance are two sealings with stamp seal impressions, which are similar to sealings recently excavated at Tell Sabi Abyad. In a concluding chapter the authors bring together their viewpoints in a joint discussion of Tell Boueid II.