Short description: In Russian. Erenburg, Ilya Grigorievich. The extraordinary adventures of Julio Jurenito and his disciples Monsieur Dele, Karl Schmidt, Mr. Kuhl, Alexei Tishin, Ercole Bambuchi, Ilya Ehrenburg, and the Negro Aisha, in the days of peace, war and revolution, in Paris, Mexico, Rome, Senegal, Kineshma, Moscow, and elsewhere, as well as the teacher's various judgments about pipes, death, love, freedom, the game of chess, the Jewish tribe, construction, and much else. Neobychaynye pokhozhdeniya Khulio Khurenito i ego uchenikov Monsieur Dele, Karla Shmidta, Mistera Kulya, Alekseya Tishina, Erkole Bambuchi, Il'i Erenburga i negra Ayshi, v dni mira, voyny i revolyutsii, v Parizhe, v Meksike, v Rime, v Senegale, v Kineshme, v Moskve i v drugikh mestakh, a takzhe razlichnye suzhdeniya uchitelya o. In Russian /The extraordinary journeys of Julio Jurenito and his disciples Monsieur Dele, Karl Schmidt, Mr. Kuhl, Alexei Tishin, Ercole Bambuchi, Ilya Ehrenburg and Aisha, in the days of peace, war and revolution, in Paris, Mexico, Rome, Senegal, Kineshma, Moscow, and elsewhere, and the teacher's various judgments about pipes, death, love, freedom, the game of chess, the Jewish tribe, construction, and much more.. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9254615
Reference : 9254615
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