Paris Librairie Renouard Editeur Henri Laurens (Coll. "Les musiciens célèbres") 126 pages in-8. Sans date. broché. 126 pages. (Années 1920-1930). In-8 broché 126 pages. Biographie critique illustrée de 12 planches en noir. Couverture en bon état général brunie. Brochage fragilisé sinon intérieur propre un peu jauni avec papier non coupé. Poids : 280 gr
Reference : 4677
M. Thibault Hairion
06 68 85 71 82
Les livres sont expédiés sous deux jours ouvrés et les retours sont acceptés aux frais de l'acheteur
Reference : albdf491d9f85150fea
Glinka M. I. Music by M. I. Glinka to romances and songs. 12 separate editions. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Glinka M. I. Muzyka M. I. Glinki k romansam i pesnyam. 12 otdel'nykh izdaniy. St. Petersburg 1850's 72 s. Convolutee 12 whole-engraved editions of songs with notes music by M.I. Glinka words by Lermontov Pushkin Kukolnik Glinka himself etc. Publications by F.F. Stellowsky in 1854 1855. Artistic vignettes We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbdf491d9f85150fea
Glinka M.I. Notes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Glinka M.I. Zapiski.. E6
Glinka M.I. Varlamov A.E. Gurilev A. Dargomyzhsky A. Alyabiev A.A. Rubinstein A. Serov A.N. and d Convolutee songs romances plays/Glinka M.I. Varlamov A.E. Gurilev A. Dargomyzhskiy A. Alyabev A.A. Rubinshteyn A. Serov A.N. i d Konvolyut pesni romansy pesy. E6
Glinka M.I. Mikhail Ivanovich Glinkas notes and correspondence with family and friends. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Glinka M.I. Zapiski Mikhaila Ivanovicha Glinki i perepiska ego s rodnymi i druzyami. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).In 1871 everything published in this edition was printed from Glinkas original manuscripts carefully checked and corrected according to the original. The book includes memoirs by the composers sister Lyudmila Ivanovna about the final years of Glinkas life. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb497dc56a56ef76a6
Glinka M.-Bilibin Ivan) Life for the Tsar. Grand Opera in 4 acts with an epilogue. Text by Baron Rosen. Orchestral score. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Glinka M.-Bilibin Ivan) Zhizn za Tsarya. Bolshaya Opera v 4-kh deystviyakh s epilogom. Tekst barona Rozena. Orkestrovaya partitura.. E6