Paris, Bachelier 1845-1846 Complet en 2 tomes: xi,347 + viii,354pp.+ 4 planches dépliantes, 1e édition, 23cm., br.orig., qqs.rousseurs (texte toujours bien lisible), non coupé (!), bon état, W82079
Reference : W82079
Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt
· Titles are offered subject to prior sale. The chronology of incoming orders will be strictly respected. · The books are described in detail and are generally in a good condition (minor defects are not always stated though). · An E-mail will be sent to inform about the availability and the total cost (including shipping expenses). · Payment has to be made in advance. The ordered books will be on hold for you during 2 weeks until we have received your payment. · Payment can be made via creditcard or by banktransfer to our Belgian bankaccount. Paypal is not accepted. · Forwarding expenses (and additional insurance - on demand) are at the buyer's expenses. · Books are returnable within 14 days. · Additional information can be obtained on demand by e-mail:
P., Imprimerie Nationale, 1868/1872, 8 tomes reliés en 9 volumes in 8, demi-chagrin vert (reliures de l'époque), T.1 : 1 portrait, 28pp., 390pp., T.2 : (2), 2pp., 459pp., T.3 : (2), 512pp., T.4 1ère partie et deuxième partie : (2), 10pp., 1050pp., T.5 : (2), 6pp., 584pp., T.6 : (2), 648pp., T.7 : (2), 148pp., 335pp., T.8 : (2), 424pp., nombreuses figures dans le texte
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Verdet was one of the outstanding physics teachers of mi-nineteenth-century France, holding professorships at the Ecole normale supérieure, the Ecole Polytechnique and the Faculté des sciences in Paris. He introduced into the French scientific world the thermodynamics of Joule, Clausius, Helmholtz and William Thompson and conducted important experiments on the effects of a magnetic field on plane-polarized light. Verdet educated his colleagues as well as his students. French physicists of his time were ignorant of much of the research going on outside their country, so Verdet undertook to publish abstracts of the most important articles appearing in foreing journals. From 1852 to 1864 every volume of the Annales de chimie contained ten or more of this synopses... In 1864/1865 he taught the new thermodynamics and the notes from his course were compiled by two students and published as La théorie mécanique de la chaleur, a textbook which has become a classic... His early research included a series of experiments on electromagnetic induction and a theoretical treatise on the image-forming power of lenses. In his major effort Verdet investigated the phenomenon now known as the "Faraday effect"... He studied the dependence of the Faraday effect on the strength of the magnet causing the rotation, the medium in which the light is traveling, and the color of the light. he found that the magnetic power of rotation was directly proportional to the square of the wavelengh of the light and related the index of refraction of the material. In recognition of the importance of this work a measure of the power of magnetic rotation was named "Verdet's constant". His entire scientific output is collected in Oeuvres de Verdet, 8 vols (Paris 1868/1872) which includes all his scientific papers and the lecture notes from his courses".(DSB XIII pp. 614/615)**5176/L3/L7AR
Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1872 (pour les tome I, IV et IX); Paris, Imprimerie impériale, 1868-1870 (pour le reste). 8 tomes en 9 volumes in-8, demi chagrin époque, dos lisses ornés de fleurons dorés et de filets estampés à froid, titre doré, toutes tranches jaspées. Tome I: faux-titre, titre, XXVIII, 390 pp; Tome II: faux-titre, titre, II, 459 pp; faux-titre, titre, 512 pp; Tome IV: faux-titre, titre, X, 1050 pp; Tome V, faux-titre, titre, III, 584 pp; Tome VI: faux-titre, titre, 648 pp; Tome VII: faux-titre, titre, CXLVIII, 335 pp; Tome VIII: faux-titre, titre, 424 pp. Ouvrage illustré d'un portrait de l'auteur en frontispice du tome I et de nombreuses figures in-texte. Petits morceaux d'étiquette sur les dos, coins légèrement frottés, dos assombris par endroits, tampons de la manufacture d'armes de Chatellerault sur chaque volume, intérieur frais malgré quelques rousseurs.