Parisiis [Paris], Lecoffre 1855 complete in 4 vols.: xii,704 + 386 + 657 + 636pp., 18cm., secunda editio Parisiensis, cloth (spine in leather), marbled edges, some foxing, ex.libr.copy (some use, few ink spots on last pages of vol.1, few stamps), else G, [text in Latin], [content: I: De actibus humanis et de conscientia. De legibus, de obligationibus ac de peccatis in genere. II: De pecatis in specie. De virtute religionis. De virtute justitiae. III: De restitutione, de virtutibus theologicis, ac de sacramentis in genere, de baptismon confirmatione et eucharistia. IV: De sacramentis poenitentia, extremae unctionis, ordinis et matrimonii], R70524
Reference : R70524
Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt
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