
‎Turnhout, Brepols 1993 74pp.+ 8 microfiches (1569pp.), 24cm., fine condition, in the series "Corpus Christianorum. Instrumenta lexicologica latina" Fasc.80 (CM 82A) series A: Formae, ISBN 978-2-503-63824-9‎

Reference : R59431


€40.00 (€40.00 )
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Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎VORAGINE, Jacobus de‎

Reference : 3676

‎Sermones. Domini Jacobi de Voragine sacre Theologie professoris, ordinis predicatorum, quondam episcopi Janven. Sermones aurei et pulcherrimi de tempore per totum anni circulum.‎

‎(Lyon), Jacques Giunta, 1546.‎

‎ Les sermons de Voragine sont moins connus que la "Légende dorée"; pourtant ils eurent un grand succès et furent imprimés dès 1473. Trois parties : - Sermones de tempore. - Sermones de sanctis. - Sermones de quadrage[simales]. Les trois parties ont chacune leur propre page de titre avec vignette gravée et encadrement, le premier en noir et rouge. Caractères gothiques sur deux colonnes. Nombreuses lettrines dans le texte; marque typographique de Giunta à la fin de chaque partie. Inscriptions biffées au bas du titre. Petit travail de vers dans le coin supérieur des deux premiers feuillets. Une peau de vélin récente a été apposée sur les plats. Ex-libris du XXe : "Veritas, Hubert Elie". Edition très rare, inconnue de Baudrier. Elle est sortie des presses de Jacques Giunta l'année de sa mort. /// In-8 de (1088) pp. Vélin. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// Voragine's sermons are less well known than the "Golden Legend"; however, they were very successful and were printed from 1473. Three parts: - Sermones de tempore. - Sermones de sanctis. - Sermones de quadrage[simales]. The three parts have each their own title page with engraved vignette and frame, the first in black and red. Gothic characters on two columns. Numerous initials in the text; typographical mark of Giunta at the end of each part. Inscriptions crossed out at the bottom of the title. Small worm work in the upper corner of the first two leaves. A recent vellum skin has been affixed to the boards. Ex-libris of the XXth: "Veritas, Hubert Elie". Very rare edition, unknown to Baudrier. It was printed by Jacques Giunta the year of his death. USTC 120780 (2 copies : BNF and Biblioteca Nacional de Espana) /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET‎

Hugues de Latude - Villefranche de Lauragais

Phone number : 06 09 57 17 07

EUR1,200.00 (€1,200.00 )

‎Augustinus, Luc De Coninck (ed), Bertrand Coppieters 't Wallant (ed)‎

Reference : 65830

‎Sermones de novo testamento (71-94). Sermones in Matthaeum II‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xliv + 670 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Languages: Latin, French, English. ISBN 9782503004150.‎

‎Summary Providing the critical edition of Augustine's sermones ad populum LXXI-XCIV, this volume complements CC SL XLI Aa (sermones ad populum LI-LXX A; 2008) and in doing so completes the critical edition of the Church Father's homilies on the Gospel of Matthew. Furthermore, the new volume provides an update of the text-critical introduction to all sermons on Matthew that was offered in CC SL XLI Aa. Most sermons of the series LXXI-XCIV were edited for the last time in 1683 by the Maurists; others were critically edited more recently by Germain Morin, Cyrille Lambot, Pierre-Patrick Verbraken, Fran ois Dolbeau, Luc De Coninck, Bertrand Coppieters 't Wallant, Roland Demeulenaere, and Gert Partoens. For the present volume, Luc De Coninck and Bertrand Coppieters 't Wallant, assisted by Roland Demeulenaere, have made entirely new editions of most sermons belonging to the first group, and revised the editions of almost all homilies belonging to the second. In all cases, this was done on the basis of an extensive study of the manuscripts and with a state-of-the-art knowledge of the stemmatical relations between each sermon's direct and indirect witnesses. The critical editions of four sermons featuring in the famous codex Mainz Stadtbibliothek I 9 (sermones LXXII auct., LXXXVI, LXXXIX, and XC A) have been procured by Fran ois Dolbeau, while Gert Partoens has revised Morin's edition of sermo LXXII A and republished his own new edition of sermo LXXXII, and while Nicolas De Maeyer has edited the fragmentary sermon LXXVII C. TABLE OF CONTENTS Augustinus Hipponensis - Sermones de Novo Testamento (71-94): in Matthaeum II ( CPL 284, CHL 202 ) - ed. L. De Coninck‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR410.00 (€410.00 )

‎J. Chatillon (ed.);‎

Reference : 36873

‎Corpus Christianorum. Galterus a s. Victore Sermones inediti triginta sex,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1975 Hardback, XVIII+396 p., 155 x 245 mm._Latin_ ISBN 9782503033013.‎

‎Gualterus (seu Galterus) de Sancto Victore ? Sermones XXI ? ed. J. Ch tillon Gualterus (seu Galterus) de Sancto Victore (dubium) et alii ? Sermones anonymi VIII ? ed. J. Ch tillon Henricus Magister ? Sermo de apostolis ? ed. J. Ch tillon Mauritius (Magister) ? Sermones VI ? ed. J. Ch tillon‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR99.00 (€99.00 )

‎Francis BACON‎

Reference : 000359


‎De Verulamio Sermones Fideles, Ethici, Politici, Oeconomici sive Interiora Rerum. Accedunt Faber Fortunae . Colores boni et mali ‎

‎Francis BACON. De Verulamio Sermones Fideles, Ethici, Politici, Oeconomici sive Interiora Rerum. Accedunt Faber Fortunae . Colores boni et mali . 1662, ex officina Elzeviriana, Amstelodami, (Amsterdam). 1 vol. in-12 (13,5 x 7,5 cm) relié de 404-(3) pages. Un titre gravé. Reliure de l'époque plein vélin à rabats, dos lisse orné du titre manuscrit à l'encre. Bon état, quelques trous de vers en fin d'exemplaire au niveau des marges intérieures, sans atteinte au texte. Notes manuscrites en latin en fausse garde, intérieur frais. Ex-libris de Jacques Laget. Bon‎

Voyage au bout du quai - Saint quentin

Phone number : 06 09 74 56 42

EUR320.00 (€320.00 )

‎CAESARIUS Arelatensis (& MORIN D.Germanus, O.S.B.)‎

Reference : R58599


‎Caesarii Arelatensis Sermones Pars prima continens praefationem, sermones de diversis et de scriptura veteris testamentis [Corpus Christianorum series latina CIII, CCSL 103]‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols 1953 cxxii + 589pp., in the series "Corpus Christianorum. Series latina" volume CIII (CCSL 103), text in latin, original softcover (vague spot of removed label at lower end of spine), Editio altera, small stamp, good condition, ["Sermones nunc primum in unum collecti et ad leges artis criticae ex innumeris mss. Recogniti"], R58599‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )
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