‎Collectio selecta SS. Ecclesiae Patrum. Vol.30-33: Victorinus & S. Athanasius [4 volumes]‎

‎Parisiis [Paris], Méquignon-Havard 1830 4 volumes: 664 + 476 + 487 + 504 pp., 20cm., uniform modern half cloth bindings (marbled boards, gilt title on spines), some occasional foxing, text in Latin, good condition, weight: 2.1kg., [Content: Volume 30: VICTORINUS: Libri IV adversus arium, Liber contra Manichaeos, De verbis scripturae Factum est vespere et mane dies unus, De homoousio accipiendo, Hymni III de trinitate, Carmen de Macchabaeis. Volume 31-33: ATHANASIUS: Ad Constantium imperatorem apologia, Apologia de fuga sua, Epistola ad serapionem de morti arii, Epistola ad monachos, et historia arianorum, Orationes IV contra Arianos, Epistolae ad Serapionem IV, Epistola de synodis, Tomus ad antiochenos, Epistola Joviani, ad Jovianum, et alia fragmenta, Vita S. Antonii, Epistolae ad Orsisium etc., De incarnatione dei verbi et adversus Arianos, Epistola ad Afros episcopos, Contra Apollinarium libri II, Epistolae ad diversos, Liber de trinitate et spiritu sancto, Sermo major de fide, Epistola ad Marcellinum, Expositiones in Psalmos], R100766‎

Reference : R100766


€120.00 (€120.00 )
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Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt



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