‎Andreas Vesalius‎

‎Diest, Pro Arte 1943 100pp.+ 4 buitentekstills., gecart., uit de reeks "Die Suverlicke Boexskens" nr.12‎

Reference : P31567


€14.00 (€14.00 )
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Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt



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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Elly Cockx-Indestege‎

Reference : 15865

‎Andreas Vesalius : A Belgian Census : Contribution Towards a New Edition of H.W. Cushing's Bibliography‎

‎, Brussels, Royal Library Albert I, 1994 Bound, Orginal green cloth with goldimprint, title page with stamp, 325 x 235 x 18 mm., 160pp., 87 b/w illustrations, in Very Good Condition. ISBN 9789066370463.‎

‎Andreas Vesalius was born as Andries van Wesel on December 31, 1514 in Brussels. His father was a pharmacist in the emperor's service and his grandfather also worked as a physician at the court. The surname of the Brabant doctor is 'Wesel' because his great-great-grandfather comes from that German city. Andreas Vesalius decides to study medicine, just like his ancestors. He is following courses at the universities of Leuven, Paris and Padua, Italy. During that period, medical science strongly adhered to the teachings of the Greek Claudius Galenus (131-216). Vesalius translates works of this Greek physician who lived long before him. After dissecting corpses, Vesalius concludes that Claudius Galen has probably never looked at the inside of a person. The Greek physician derived his knowledge from cutting open animals. It is known that Vesalius in Padua was given the bodies of executed criminals several times so that he could examine the inside of these bodies. Andreas Vesalius publishes a work in which he writes down the knowledge he has acquired through his anatomical activities. This book is entitled De humani corporis fabrica libri septem (Seven books on the construction of the human body). It is the first complete book on human anatomy.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR42.00 (€42.00 )

‎VESALIUS, Andreas‎

Reference : 65815

‎Andreas Vesalius, Facsimile of Thomas Geminus?s 1545 illustrations for Andreas Vesalius? De humani corporis fabrica 1964‎

‎Geneva, Typography Genevoise, 1964 Veau des Indes avec dorure et bo te en parchemin, avec 45 gravures plein page, papier pur chiffon vergeures XIIIe si cle, 43 x 30 cm.(104/250)‎

‎Andreas Vesalius, Facsimile of Thomas Geminus?s 1545 illustrations for Andreas Vesalius? De humani corporis fabrica 1964 - Achev d'imprimer Gen ve le quatorze juillet mil neuf cent soixante-quatre.Il a t tir de cet ouvrage dix exemplaires hors commerce num rot s de I X, pour les collaborateurs de typographie genevoise et deux cent quinze exemplaires, num rot s de 1 215, destin s aux souscripteurs de cette dition et la vente. Cet exemplaire porte le num ro 104.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR1,450.00 (€1,450.00 )

‎Andreas Vesalius‎

Reference : lc_70520

‎Andreas Vesalius - 40 planches anatomiques‎

‎Solco Basel s.d.‎

‎Cartonné en ff. sous sa chemise, comme neuf.‎

Bookit! - Genève
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‎Hossam Elkhadem, Jea Paul Heerbrant, Liliane Wellens-De Donder, Nicole Walch, Claire Dumùortier, Alain de Meeus d'Argenteuil‎

Reference : 011883


ISBN : 9066370939

‎Andreas Vesalius Experiment en onderwijs in de anatomie tijdens de 16de eeuw‎

‎ 1993 Koninklijke bibliotheek Albert I Soft cover ‎

‎Andreas Vesalius Experiment en onderwijs in de anatomie tijdens de 16de eeuw 255 x 185 mm, soft cover,180 blz, zeer goede staat‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Chardak (Henriette)‎

Reference : 30418


ISBN : 2750903963 9782750903961

‎Andreas Vesalius, chirurgien des rois‎

‎Presse de la Renaissance 2008 In-8 broché 24 cm sur 15. 513 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.‎

‎Ecrit comme un roman à suspense, Andreas Vesalius, chirurgien des rois nous plonge dans une Renaissance fascinante et nous fait découvrir le destin de ce chirurgien avant-gardiste, accusé d'être un "charcuteur" de cadavres au risque de "massacrer leur âme", mais dont on salue aujourd'hui le génie et la foi en la vie. Très bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR19.00 (€19.00 )
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