Madrid, Instituto de Espana 1980 105 + [108] + [ii] pp., 35cm., attractive hardcover binding with spine in brown leather and gilt title and decorations, marbled endpapers, original softcover preserved and bound in, few interesting annotations in the margin of the text, good condition, [content: 105pp. musicological study, 108 pages with the fac-simile edition of Mitjana's manuscript on the 'Cancionero de Upsala', a publication with mostly anonymous Spanish music printed in Venice in 1556, titled "Villancicos de diuersos Autores, a dos y a tres y a quatro y ya a cinco bozes". The copy of the Uppsala University Library is the only known copy and was edited by Mitjana in 1909], M95137
Reference : M95137
Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt
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