Gent, Siffer 1899 viii + 180pp.+ frontispice in kleur, bevat 40 liederen waarvan een aantal met partituur, 25cm., gecart. band (gemarbreerde platten, linnen rug met titel in gudopdruk), Uitgave van het Davidsfonds nr.113, enkele roestplekjes, exemplaar uit de collectie van Lode Monteyne (met zijn handtekening op schutblad), goede staat, M90235
Reference : M90235
Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt
· Titles are offered subject to prior sale. The chronology of incoming orders will be strictly respected. · The books are described in detail and are generally in a good condition (minor defects are not always stated though). · An E-mail will be sent to inform about the availability and the total cost (including shipping expenses). · Payment has to be made in advance. The ordered books will be on hold for you during 2 weeks until we have received your payment. · Payment can be made via creditcard or by banktransfer to our Belgian bankaccount. Paypal is not accepted. · Forwarding expenses (and additional insurance - on demand) are at the buyer's expenses. · Books are returnable within 14 days. · Additional information can be obtained on demand by e-mail:
Gent, Siffer 1899 viii + 180pp.+ frontispice in kleur, bevat 40 liederen waarvan een aantal met partituur, 25cm., gecart. band (gemarbreerde platten, linnen rug met titel in gudopdruk), orig. omslag mee ingebonden, Uitgave van het Davidsfonds nr.113, exemplaar uit de collectie van Prosper Arents (met zijn ingekleefd ex-libris), goede staat, M90236
.: Gent, Davidsfonds, 1899, in-8°, 177 pp, with coloured frontispiece, half-morocco binding with raised spine. Gilt lettering on spine. Original soft cover preserved. Some pages slightly damaged in margin, without loss of text. One sheet rather crudely repaired, again without loss of text. Coloured original wrapper soiled. With previous owner's stamp. A collection of old Flemish popular, mainly religious songs..