Sint-Niklaas, Culturele Kring Boudelo 1995 [200] + 203pp.met enige illustraties, beperkte oplage van 200 exemplaren, simili-lederen band met titel in goudopdruk, in oblong (22x30cm.), stempeltje op titelblad, goede staat, [bevat: Facsimile van de tekst van het handschrift (folio's 1 tot 29 en 50 tot 117, recto-verso), Diplomatische transcriptie & muzieknotatie in hedendaagse vorm en de tekst onder de muziek geplaatst (pp.1-171), Inhoudstafel van de liederen en de wijzen (pp.172-175), verklarende woordenlijst (pp.175-182), Bespreking van de 'Goddelijkce Lofzanghen' en van de auteur (pp.183-200), Hoe ontstond dit boek (pp.201-206)], M58998
Reference : M58998
Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt
· Titles are offered subject to prior sale. The chronology of incoming orders will be strictly respected. · The books are described in detail and are generally in a good condition (minor defects are not always stated though). · An E-mail will be sent to inform about the availability and the total cost (including shipping expenses). · Payment has to be made in advance. The ordered books will be on hold for you during 2 weeks until we have received your payment. · Payment can be made via creditcard or by banktransfer to our Belgian bankaccount. Paypal is not accepted. · Forwarding expenses (and additional insurance - on demand) are at the buyer's expenses. · Books are returnable within 14 days. · Additional information can be obtained on demand by e-mail:
GULLIELMUS VANDER MACHTELT - Marie-Thérèse Coucke - Alfons De Belie - Vedastus Verstegen :
Reference : 7648
.: Sint-Niklaas, Culturele Kring Boudelo, 1995, oblong in-4°, 21 x 29 cm, 171 pp (facsimile) + pp 172-206 (explanation). Bound in publisher's blue imitation leather with gilt lettering. Text in Dutch. Facsimile edition with commentary of a 17th-century manuscript of a religious chant book. Contains the text of the songs with sometimes some staves with music notation. The original manuscript is now in the Stadsbibliotheek Antwerpen. An earlier version of the manuscript resides in the Dutch Royal Library since 1827.