Romae [Rome], Ex typ. Pontificia in Instituto Pii IX 1917 5 parts in 1 volume, 30cm., hardcover, stamp on frontcover, good condition, [Content: I) Novae animadversiones (43pp.) // II) Iudicium medicum ex officio Doctoris Mariani Tacchi-Venturi, etc., super miraculo I (45pp.) // III) Iudicium medicum quod pro veritate ferebat Ex.mus D.nus Andreas Amici Medicus, super miraculo I (20pp.) // IV) Responsio ad novas animadversiones etc. (69pp.) // V) Summarium additionale, ex actis spuppletoriae inquisitionis in Curia Pontiscurvi adornatae (23pp.)], [Official reports from the "Congregatio Sacrorum Rituum" regarding the canonization of the Passionist Gabriel dell'Adolorata (Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, born Francesco Possenti, 1838-1862), who died from tuberculosis at the age of 23 in Isola del Gran Sasso. He was canonized by pope Benedict XV in 1920], H108449
Reference : H108449
Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt
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