Paris, Alcan 1929 640pp., br.orig., dans la série "Peuples et Civilisations. Histoire Générale" t.VIII, non coupé
Reference : G48457
Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt
· Titles are offered subject to prior sale. The chronology of incoming orders will be strictly respected. · The books are described in detail and are generally in a good condition (minor defects are not always stated though). · An E-mail will be sent to inform about the availability and the total cost (including shipping expenses). · Payment has to be made in advance. The ordered books will be on hold for you during 2 weeks until we have received your payment. · Payment can be made via creditcard or by banktransfer to our Belgian bankaccount. Paypal is not accepted. · Forwarding expenses (and additional insurance - on demand) are at the buyer's expenses. · Books are returnable within 14 days. · Additional information can be obtained on demand by e-mail:
[HALPHEN (Louis) et SAGNAC (Philippe)] - HAUSER (Henri) et RENAUDET (Augustin).-
Reference : 32172
1929 Paris, Alcan, 1929, fort in 8° broché, 639pp. ; index in-fine ; complet de la carte dépliante ; premiers feuillets un peu gondolés.
...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
1938 br. fort in-8, 649pp., 1 carte depl., P. Alcan 1938,
Peuples et Civilisations VIII.
Phone number : 33 (0)6 77 77 12 33
Librairie Félix Alcan reliure Rigide Décorative Paris 1938 651 pages en format 14 - 22 cm - reliure rigide en semi cuir avec 4 nervures et titres en dorure Exemplaire de bibliothèque
Bon État
Renaudet Augustin (18801958) - Hauser Henri (1866-1946)
Reference : 33035VPSL
Générique Broché D'occasion état correct 01/01/1938 150 pages
Paris : Librairie Félix Alcan Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1929 640 pages