Paris, Paulin, Lheureux et cie. 1848 iv + 388pp., reliure cart. (dos en cuir avec titre et déocrations dorés), 17cm., qq.rousseurs
Reference : E51473
Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt
· Titles are offered subject to prior sale. The chronology of incoming orders will be strictly respected. · The books are described in detail and are generally in a good condition (minor defects are not always stated though). · An E-mail will be sent to inform about the availability and the total cost (including shipping expenses). · Payment has to be made in advance. The ordered books will be on hold for you during 2 weeks until we have received your payment. · Payment can be made via creditcard or by banktransfer to our Belgian bankaccount. Paypal is not accepted. · Forwarding expenses (and additional insurance - on demand) are at the buyer's expenses. · Books are returnable within 14 days. · Additional information can be obtained on demand by e-mail:
Paris, Bureaux du Moniteur de la Proprieté, 1842. Large 4to. (30x23 cm.). Bound in one cont. hcalf, raised bands. Compartments with gilt animals. Minor scratches to edges, but fine. There are 3 half-titles and 3 title-pages (all dated 1842, the second title after page 27, the third after page 176, where the section with the pigs starts). (4), I-X (11-) 176, (6), 33, (1) pp., last leaf=Table des Matieres. Having 22 fine lithographic plates of Cattles, of which 20 are hand-coloured and shown in landscape-settings with coloured backgrounds, (2 uncold.) and 4 plates showing pigs, all hand-coloured. The plates with tissue-guards. One of the pig-plates with a tear not reaching image. 2 plates loosening. A small marginal dampstain to af few leaves and plates. Otherwise clean and fine.
Extremely scarce first French edition of this pioneering work in the science of selective breeding, illustrating the forerunners of the most important breeds of cows and pigs of all times. The French edition is a translation of ""The Breeds of the Domestic Animals in the British Isles"" issued in 4 parts in folio, London 1840-42. The 2 other parts, which are not present here deal in the same manner with sheep (le mouton) and with horses (le cheval). Nissen ZBI No. 2565. - Not in BMC (NH). - Not in Wood.
Stockholm: P.-A. Norstedt & Fils, 1905. Large 8vo. (246x166mm). Original printed wrappers.
First edition of Becquerel's Nobel Lecture.""Becquerel attended a session of the 'Académie des Sciences' in Paris on 20 January 1896, when Jules Henri Poincaré exhibited a series of radiographs sent to him by Röntgen. He, like others, observed that the emission of X-rays from the cathode tube was accompanied by strong phosphorescence of the glass. He therefore suspected that other forms of induced phosphorescence might be accompanied by other hithero unknown rays. In February 1896 Charles Henry reported to the 'Académie' his discovery of that phosphorescence could be induced in certain substances by exposure to sunlight. In the same month Becquerel reported that uranium was among these substances. Like all his other early papers on the subject, this appeared in the 'Comptes rendus' and was entitled 'Sur les Radiations Invisibles' émises par les Corps Phosphorescents'. In a second paper, 'Sur quelques Propriétés Nouvelles des Radiations Invisibles', he reported the astonishing fact that uranium was capable of fogging photographic plates even without previous exposure to sunlight and when the plates themselves were completely protected from ordinary light. In a third paper, March 1896, 'Sur les Radiations invisbles émises par les d'Uranium' Becquerel discarded phosphorescence completely and declared that the emanations from uranium constituded an entirely new and unsuspected property of matter, which in his seventh paper he named 'radioactivité'. He also found that the uranium rays discharged a gold-leaf electroscope, which is still used as one method of detecting radio-activity.Becquerel also discovered that the residue of pitchblende, a natural uranium oxide, after the uranium had been extracted from it was about four times as radio-active as uranium itself. He therefore suggested to the Curies the importance of further investigations of the ore, with the result that they discovered radium. He continued to work on the subject until 1903, in which year he collaborated with Pierre Curie in a paper, 'Action Physiologique des Rayons du Radium', which is the starting-point of the treatment of disease by radio-active substances. In that year he also published ... ('Recherches sur une Propriété Nouvelle de la Matière' - the offered item) ... which is his definitive work, containing a chronological narrative of his investigations, his mature conclusions and a bibliography of two hundred and fourteen treatises on radio-activity, dating from his own first paper in 1896. The rays emitted by uranium were named in his honour 'Becquerel' rays. They were later discovered to be a composite of three forms of emanation, distinguished by Rutherford (in 1919) as alpha, beta and gamma rays and identified thus: alpha as helium nuclei, beta as electrons, and gamma as powerful X-rays."" - (PMM).In 1903 Becquerel shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with the Curies ""in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity"".
Paris, Editions du seuil - collections esprit, 1945; in-12, 1531329 pp., br. Broché bon étatChapitres : Le conflit de la propriété - Le code civil générateur du conflit - Le code et le droit romain - Propriété et Ancien régime - L'esprit du code - La propriété mobilière - Propriété et possession - Propriété et mystique - Anarchie de la propriété du code - Analyse externe - Analyse interne - Variabilité de la propriété - Statut des communautés - Propriété et communautés quelques rousseurs sur les couverture, papier uniformement bruni.
Broché bon étatChapitres : Le conflit de la propriété - Le code civil générateur du conflit - Le code et le droit romain - Propriété et Ancien régime - L'esprit du code - La propriété mobilière - Propriété et possession - Propriété et mystique - Anarchie de la propriété du code - Analyse externe - Analyse interne - Variabilité de la propriété - Statut des communautés - Propriété et communautés quelques rousseurs sur les couverture, papier uniformement bruni.
Bureau de la revue. Avril 1934. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 1 à 203.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.4-Journalisme, chronique
Sommaire: Pour la soudure, Numéro spécial de la propriété, De la propriété capitaliste a la propriété humaine par Emmanuel Mounier, De quelques aventures de la notion de propriété par Jean Plaquevent, La propriété du capital par Georges Zerapha, La propriété des instruments de production par Emile Hambresin Classification Dewey : 70.4-Journalisme, chronique
Editions du Seuil , Esprit, La Cité Prochaine Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1945 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché In-8 1 vol. - 153 pages
1ere édition Contents, Chapitres : Le conflit de la propriété - Le code civil générateur du conflit - Le code et le droit romain - Propriété et Ancien régime - L'esprit du code - La propriété mobilière - Propriété et possession - Propriété et mystique - Anarchie de la propriété du code - Analyse externe - Analyse interne - Variabilité de la propriété - Statut des communautés - Propriété et communautés quelques rousseurs sur les couverture, papier uniformement jauni, sinon bon etat