, 221pp., Reprint (Bruxelles 2001) de l'édition originale (Anvers Van Ael-Schoofs 1887), bel état
Reference : B45379
Antiquariaat Pieter Judo (De Lezenaar)
Mr. Pieter Judo
Vissersstraat 2 #2
3500 Hasselt
· Titles are offered subject to prior sale. The chronology of incoming orders will be strictly respected. · The books are described in detail and are generally in a good condition (minor defects are not always stated though). · An E-mail will be sent to inform about the availability and the total cost (including shipping expenses). · Payment has to be made in advance. The ordered books will be on hold for you during 2 weeks until we have received your payment. · Payment can be made via creditcard or by banktransfer to our Belgian bankaccount. Paypal is not accepted. · Forwarding expenses (and additional insurance - on demand) are at the buyer's expenses. · Books are returnable within 14 days. · Additional information can be obtained on demand by e-mail: delezenaar@telenet.be
1887 F. J. Van Ael-Schoofs Soft cover
L'Hopital ST-Julien et les asiles de nuit à Anvers depuis le XIVe siècle jusqu'a nos jours Cartonnage, 25 x 18 cm, 221 pp, plusieurs illustrations/photos, tres bon état
Anvers, Van Ael-Schoofs 1887 221pp.+ qqs.planches hors-texte (dont un plan dépliant), couv.cart., ex.bib. (cachet), 26cm., bon état, B43797
.: Anvers ( Antwerpen ), Van Ael-Schoofs, 1887, in-8°, 221 pp, avec 5 planches h.t. ( frontispice y compris), reliure d'époque en demi-cuir, couverture conservée. Coin en cuir du plat supérieure endommag. avec perte de cuir. Pour le reste bon exemplaire avec intérieur parfait.