.: 5. Bruxelles, Editions de la Revue Les Lèvres Nues, Paris, Le soleil dans la tête (distributeur ) , 1955, in-8°, 126 pp with black/white ill. , orig. stiff wrapper. With a manuscript ex-dono from Jane Graverol to a belgian collector of surrealist art on the half-title. Fine copy of this tender and poetical description of the art of Jane Graverol. Some of the texts were by Graverol herself, these are printed in italics. Text in French. Livre en français. Loosely inserted is an invitation to an exhibition of Graverol's pastels in the Albert Ier galery in Brussels in may 1979.
Reference : 45376
Antiquariaat Wim de Goeij
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1955 Bruxelles, Editions de la Revue Les Lèvres Nues, Paris, Le soleil dans la tête (distributeur ) , 1955, in-8° broché, couverture illustrée d'une photographie etimprimée, 126 pp illustrées, bonétat,exemplaire enrichi d'une lettre autographe de Jane Graverol a George Hugnet(datée de 1965)