‎HEBBELINCK Roger - Leon PESCHERET - Willy Godenne ( éditeur ) :‎
‎Procédés d'eau-forte en couleurs de Roger Hebbelinck, peintre graveur. ( avec une lettre en anglais de Leon Pescheret).‎

‎.: 2. Bruxelles, Willy Godenne éditeur, numéro spécial de la revue Graphie, (le numéro IV de l'année 1960), in-8°, 12 bi- folium leaves ( folded format 22 x 15 cm, loose as issued in an original blindstamped wrapper. Text in French, letter in English. In this issue of Graphie Godenne publishes a letter from his friend Pescheret in which he pays tribute to his teacher for colour printing Roger Hebbelinck. The 11 remaining leaves, printed on one side only describes the different phases of making a colour print (very technical). rare and interesting but unfortunately in 1960 the cost for publishing this issue in colour were obviously prohibitive, thus published in black/white only .‎

Reference : 45126


€60.00 (€60.00 )
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Antiquariaat Wim de Goeij
M. Wim de Goeij
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1 book(s) with the same title

‎HEBBELINCK Roger - Leon PESCHERET - Willy Godenne ( éditeur ) :‎

Reference : 57018

‎Procédés d'eau-forte en couleurs de Roger Hebbelinck, peintre graveur. ( avec une lettre en anglais de Leon Pescheret).‎

‎.: Bruxelles, Willy Godenne éditeur, numéro spécial de la revue Graphie, (le numéro IV de l'année 1960), in-8°, 12 bi- folium leaves ( folded format 22 x 15 cm, loose as issued in an original blindstamped wrapper. Text in French, letter in English. In this issue of Graphie Godenne publishes a letter from his friend Pescheret in which he pays tribute to his teacher for colour printing Roger Hebbelinck. The 11 remaining leaves, printed on one side only describes the different phases of making a colour print (very technical). rare and interesting but unfortunately in 1960 the cost for publishing this issue in colour were obviously prohibitive, thus published in black/white only .‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR36.00 (€36.00 )
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