‎ROLAND LE VIRLOYS M.C.F. ( Charles François ) :‎
‎"Dictionnaire d'Architecture, civile, militaire et navale, antique, ancienne et moderne, et tous les arts et métiers qui en dépendent; ....Enrichi de cent une Planches de Figures en Taille-douce....auquel on a joint une notice des Architectes , Ingénieurs, Peintres , Sculpteurs , Graveurs & autres Artistes les plus celebres....Trois volumes in-quarto. ( 3 vols.)"‎

‎" Paris, Chez les Libraires Associés, 1770-1771, 3 vols in-4°, 282 x 212 mm, (Vol. I) (4)nn pp + (IV) pp + 648 pp ; (Vol.II) (4)nn pp + 671 pp + (1)(bl) ; (Vol. III) (4)nn pp + 152 pp + (100) engraved plates (numbered i-lxi, lxibis, lxii-ic) + 298 pp (vocabulary) + (2)(approbation) + (1)(bl). Complete, collation identical to Millard copy (French Books, item 147). Bound in uniform contemporary mottled calf, raised gilt spine with 2 labels, edges painted red, marbled endpapers. Binding with some use and wear at extremeties, headcaps and corners with some expertly old restorations, interior fine and crisp. Nice copy of this French dictionary of architecture. The author Charles Roland de Virloys (1715 - 1772) was the architect to the King of Prussia and later to Empress Marie-Thérèse. This is the first edition of his dictionary which is his main work. The last plate depicts an architect working with a ''pantographe de perspective'' ; a drawing aid of his own invention."‎

Reference : 33770


€3,600.00 (€3,600.00 )
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