".: 2. Brussel, Editions Cahiers de Belgique, 1934. 20 x 15 cm , 16 pp + 32 b/w ill., orig. wrapp. from the series; Verzameling van Belgische Schilders en Beeldhouwers, no. 12. (Text in Dutch, translation by M.Eemans)."
Reference : 2932
Antiquariaat Wim de Goeij
M. Wim de Goeij
Max Temmermanlaan 15 - Postbox 39
2920 Kalmthout
0032 496 381 439
according the rules of I.L.A.B. suivant les règles du CLAM
".: 2. Brussels, Editions Cahiers de Belgique, 1934. 20 x 15 cm , 16 pp + 32 b/w ill., orig. wrapp. from the series; Collection Peintres et Sculpteurs Belge, no. 12."
.: 2. Antwerp, Die Poorte, 1938, 23 x 20 cm, 32 pp, 12 b/w ill. publisher's cloth.
".: 0. Bruxelles, Académie Royale, 1977, in-8°, Annuaire 1977 CXLIII, sewn, original printed stiff wrapper. Article of ca. 6 pp published in the Academy's yearbook, with a portrait. Here the complete yearbook is on offer. It contains also seven other biographical notices; On Emile Marchal (by M. Homès and F. Hendrickx); on Marius Lecompte (by G. Ubaghs); on Philippe Blommaert (by A. Van Loey), on Serge Chlepner (by E. S. Kirschen and R. Beauvois); on Dieudonné Paul Jaspar (by V. Martigny); on Léandre Grandmoulin (by J. Moeschal), on Jean Absil (by R. Barbier)."
".: 2. Aalst, uitgave stad Aalst, 1967, in-4°, losbladige publicatie in originele kartonnen omslag, 12 tekstbladen (6 tekst; 6 catalogus) en 12 volblad kleur-illustraties, compleet, zoals gepubliceerd."
Antwerpen, Die Poorte 1938 31pp. + 12pp. illustraties, originele omslag, 23cm., goede staat, S33797