‎HERING Johann - Johannes Heringius - Johannes Philippi :‎
‎Tractatus Singularis de MOLENDINIS, eorumque jure, quem ex jure publico ac privato, caeterisue optimae notae...‎

‎".: 14. Francofurti (Frankfurt), Matthias Kempffer, 1663, in-4°, title + (32) + folding table + (4)(index questionum) + 639 pp + (47)(index Rerum & Verborum). Bound with. Mantissae Caput primum, dissertationem sive conclusiones...De Castris eorumque jure, Vom Burgrecht, no title, 134 pp + (135-136 bl) + folding table + 137-196 pp + (26)(index). Bound with. Johanne Philippi; Tractatus de Subhastationibus, ad usum practicum utriusque fori, potissimum Saxonici directus et celebriorum Dicasteriorum Praejudiciis illustratus... Lipsiae (Leipzig) Sumptibus Johannis Grossii, et Socii, 1667, half title + title + (12) + 438 pp + (40)(index) + (2)(bl). Bound with. Robertus de Gravel - Marchese de Castel Rodrigo - Hubertus Guillaume de Precipiano - Claude Ambroise Philippe ; I Scriptum Directorio Imperii in Comittiis Ratisbonensibus nomine Christianissimi Galliarum Regis à Domino Plenipotentiario de Gravel die 25 Maji 1667 exhibtum...II Refutatio...III Replica ....IV Responsio ad Replicam....V. Ulterior Ex/Parte Galliae...s.l., no printer, 1667, 61 pp. Rare 17th century German convolute of juridical and political publications. The first is a law study on milling - and miller's rights. There was apparently a first edition of this book in 1625 (See Catalogue Saeckma Iq 067, Leeuwarden 1667). There is also an edition with an identical titlepage but for the publisher's name and place which is here ''Lugduni Typis Johannis Pillehotte'' (see Kyushu Univ. Lib. Japan). The last work is a series of political tracts from the Regensburger Reichstag in 1667. Bound in contemporary vellum, contemporary manuscript titles on spine. On front cover a manuscript ex-libris (?) Verwee urbis Aldenardae (Oudenaarde, Flanders?) Mdccclxxv."‎

Reference : 25931


€924.00 (€924.00 )
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