".: Collection of 4 early imprints by James Thomson in one binding all printed in Dublin. (I) Dublin, S. Powell, for George Risk at the Shakespear's Head, George Ewing...William Smith, 1730, 70 pp; (II) Dublin, Printed by S. Powell...1730, 54 pp; (III) Dublin, Printed by S. Powell, 1740 (sic), 58 pp. (IV) Dublin, printed by S. Powell...1730, 60 pp, Bound at the end; (Bookdealer's catalogue) (4) nn pp. In-8°, full contempôrary leather, double gilt fillet on both covers, raised gilt back, some wear at binding but a good copy. RARE convolute of four very early imprints. The poems on Newton and Britannia are published in the same year as the first editions."
Reference : 21589
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